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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 41 – Mors – Stray Dog, Part 4

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 41 – Mors – Stray Dog, Part 4

Objective: Cross through the smuggler's tunnels under Mole's Town to return to Yohn's camp.

On the other side of the door you will see a solitary soldier. Be assured though, as you have seen with the Dog, he is not alone. Still, if there is time, use the Dog to quickly kill the one guard in front of you. After that, it is time to focus in on the remaining ones with Mors and company. Most of 5 opponents you encounter are in Light Armor, one is in Medium Armor and the final one is a Boss in Heavy Armor.  Focus on whoever is closest first, take them down quickly. Use the Dog to keep things even against Mors and have Patrek focus on either the Archer or someone close by.

Once the fight is done, it is time to explore some more. Head to the East and open the door there. You will spot 2 guards ahead of you. Approach them to begin the next fight. Those 2 quickly become 5. No bosses, and again, 3 will be in light armor, 1 in medium and 1 in heavy. This time though, there is an Archer and a Crossbowman in the back of the fight. Either plow through the enemies quickly then turn your attention on the ranged or just focus on the ranged and rip them part followed by the melee.

Objective: Cross through the smuggler's tunnels under Mole's Town to return to Yohn's camp.Once the fight is over, head to the South and into the room the Archer/Crossbowman had come out of. Turn to the left and look inside the dresser. You will find a Sellsword breastplate (some Heavy Armor). Switch to the Dog and investigate the grain sacks nearby the pile of straw. This will reveal a some hidden loot for Mors to collect. It contains 23 silver. Head back out the door and go a little to the North and through the first opened door on the left. Turn right when you are inside the room and there is a weapons rack with loot on it. It will have a braquemard on it, at least. Head back into the room you came from. Head toward the South and through the door to the corridor below.

Changer over to the Dog and it is time for more exploration. Head first straight South and follow the corridor over to the left. Just as it turns to the North again you will find a guard you can take down. Get a stealth kill on him. Now head back to the West and into the nearby room. There is a scent trail leading in there to a basket of grain. There is also another soldier to maul. Maul the soldier then investigate the basket of grain to reveal some loot.

Turn to the East and head through the hole in the wall back into the corridors. Hug against the wall to the West and use the little space available to creep up and kill the guard that is just above you. With him down, it is time to collect the available loot. Head to the South and into the store room with the bag of grain. Just inside, next to a bookcase, is a vase you can loot for 6 silver. Now loot the bag to find 21 silver. With that, it will be time to take on the final guards of the area. They are both in Light Armor though one is a Boss, making him a bit tougher. Immediately focus on the Boss and inflict as much damage as you can. After that, the remaining guardsman is nothing. Just head to the West from there to get out of the Mole's Town tunnels.