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Ghost Recon Future Soldier Walkthrough Part 10: Noble Tempest Part 3

Now that you have infiltrated the enemy base, found Sykes, rescued him from the helicopter attack, and gotten him to the extraction point, you will have to head back into the heart of enemy territory to find his intel hidden away in the trunk of a car. Your waypoint marker will lead the way ahead. It will lead you into another drainage tunnel. Follow the tunnel to the exit, crouching as you near the opening at the end. Allow your Optical Camo to activate itself before stepping out into the sunlight. A few enemies will patrol the area ahead. Deploy your Drone to check out the situation. Four enemies will be patrolling near the opening of the tunnel, a few of whom will be equipped with shotguns. Line up a sync shot on the enemies and take them out silently.

After the first four enemies fall, you may be tempted to leave the safety of the drainage tunnel. This would be a mistake, as more enemies patrol the compound ahead and it would be a better idea to get a fix on them using your Drone before doing anything hasty. Fly your Drone ahead and mark the enemies as you see them. Have your teammates take out individual enemies as they break off from the group. This way, you won’t alert the others to your presence and you can mark and execute foes without leaving the Drone view.

When all of the enemies are dead, leave the tunnel and proceed out into the village, which will now be all clear. As you near a grouping of cover ahead, two enemy helicopters will fly over you to drop off reinforcements up ahead. Keep moving forward for now, as there is nothing you can do about the helicopters or the soldiers that they dropped off. When you reach the area by the small shanty houses, take cover behind one of the houses and deploy your Drone again. Scout up ahead using the Drone. You should find eight enemies in total gathered around a vehicle. They won’t move or split up, meaning that you have two options. First, you can sneak past them; second, you can engage them and kill them all. It is definitely preferable to sneak past the enemies, although if you wish to play this section as an action-packed shooter it’s certainly possible.

Keep crouched and sneak towards the right side of the shacks, continuing to wind your way towards the waypoint. When you reach the waypoint, you will come upon a set of double doors with breaching icons in front of them. Move into the circle and wait for your team to reach you, at which point they will slip inside of the building, leaving the eight enemies by the vehicle behind without raising an alert. There won’t be any enemies in this section, so just worry about following your waypoint markers as they lead you throughout the house. Once you reach the upper level, you will be faced with another door that will lead out onto the promenade. Wait for your team to stack up before breaching through the door and outside. Below, you will see a few locals exacting revenge against an enemy soldier. Your squad will deem it inconsequential and simply let it play out. Move over the wall to the left and leave the house below.

You will exit the villa into a coastal town. As with many of the towns in the game, this area has civilians in it as well as enemies. Crouch and advance through the town and towards your next waypoint. If enemies ever get too near, go prone or take cover to avoid being detected. This section will be much easier if you can remain undetected for the duration of it, as there are tons of enemies lurking about throughout the little village. It can be helpful to deploy a Drone because of this. Send the Drone ahead to scout out the village and leave it hanging in the air after marking as many enemies as you can find. Just be sure to leave it in a fairly indiscriminate location, as you don’t want the Drone getting discovered by the enemies. This will destroy your Drone and blow your cover.

With the enemies marked on your HUD, proceed into the village. You can feasibly infiltrate the area without even killing any of the guards, but if you do a light vehicle will appear and unload enemies who you will have to kill. If you’re having trouble doing this, you should try to take out the enemies silently. Begin with the enemy in the guard tower first, followed by the two enemies on the ground with a sync shot. Note that the guards patrol in pairs, so you can take them out fairly easily as long as you wait for one pair to get away from the others.

Push forward into the town and run towards your waypoint. Don’t forget to recall your UAV as you go. Run up the stairs ahead and loot the weapon box. Choose your weapons and take cover beneath the window next to the weapons box. Deploy another Drone out the window and scan the town ahead for hostiles. There will be lots of enemies patrolling this area. Take out the enemies at elevated positions, such as on the rooftops, first, as they have the best line of sight over the arena below. Take out the guard in the guard tower and the two enemies standing on the rooftop by the mounted gun. Use a sync shot to take care of all of the threats at once. Return to the UAV view and fly past the guard tower and to the left to find two more enemies at an elevated position on the rooftop ahead. Eliminate them with a sync shot as well before focusing on the guards on the ground. You will have to deal with five of them. Take one out by yourself with a stealthy melee kill before ordering a sync shot on the other four.

Now all you have to worry about is the helicopter patrolling overhead. As long as you keep cloaked and move fairly slowly, you should be able to evade its view sufficiently. Head towards the waypoint and loot the back of the SUV in the gas station to find the data you need. When you are ready to leave, keep your Optical Camo active and retrace your steps to the entrance of the village. Your extraction chopper will be waiting on the beachhead past the village. Two more enemies will advance along the shore as you go to leave the village. You can either kill them or sneak past them, but note that if you are playing with AI partners they won’t like it much if you decide to sneak around them. A glitch can cause your AI partners to become immobile until you finish off the pair by the boardwalk, so you had might as well just kill them and get it over with.

Leave the village and head to the beach. Three more enemies will be waiting for you at the extraction point, but as long as you’ve managed to stay silent so far they won’t know about your presence. Mark them all for a sync shot and take them out quickly. Proceed to the waypoint and a Blackhawk helicopter will appear to fly you off to safety. Mission accomplished.