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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 55 – Alester – A New Hope, Part 9

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 55 – Alester – A New Hope, Part 9
*All quotes are taken from the letter, “The Enigma of the Keys.”

The Father's Key
“The Father is Lord and the first to rule,/ His office can lead to many a path,”
This key is found in the office itself. Head to the first part of the room and stand by the Eastern Wall. Use the Vision of R'hllor to reveal a switch in the one candle stand there. Open it and head inside. To left is a chest that contains the unique item, “Raynald Sarwyck's collar.” After that, turn to the book stand and look there to find the key.

The Warrior's key
“The Warrior guards and strive to protect us,/ Behind steel that covers his flesh and bone,”
Head out of the office and to the Northwestern corner of the hallway. Use the Vision of R'hllor to grab the key that hangs on the statue there.

The Stranger's Key
“The Stranger was born here, but fled to the east,/ He turned from our Seven, both gods and blood,/ He wears the red of a different priest,/ But is the one to find what no other man could.”
Head tot he West and over into Alester's room. Go to the desk on the Western side and use the Vision of R'hllor. It will allow you claim the key that is sitting there.

Head out of the room and up the stairs to the left. There are 2 keys in the next 2 rooms.

The Maiden's Key
“As does the bed of our own sweet Maiden,/ Look there if you wish to succeed.”
Head into Elyana's Room, which is the room to the South. Head over to the left-hand side of the bed, the same side as the servant and the white fur rug. Use the Vision of R'hllor to reveal the key between the bed and chest at the foot of it.

The Mother's Key
“The Mother left before her time was done,/ But where she left still provides in our need,”
Head to the North from Elyana's Room into Alester's parents' chamber. To the left of the bed you will find not only a chest to loot for some silver but use the Vision of R'hllor to reveal the Mother's Key in behind the fruit basket beside the bed! Be sure to also look at the chest with the candelabra on it in the Southwestern corner of the room for more silver.

Head downstairs now, the two remaining keys will be around there. Use  the stairwell closet to the family rooms to make everything go smoothly.

The Smith's Key
“Our Smith takes the quill as his primary tool,/ And is found by the light of his hearth.
At the bottom of the stairs, head into the room to the far west. Talk with Maester Harwyn to get the hint of Raynald having another key that he literally took to the grave with him. Still, that is beside the point right now. Turn to the South and move over to the fireplace there. Use the Vision of R'hllor to find the Smith's Key. Adjacent to it you will find a Westeros Archive and a Seal of Knowledge. The archive yields “The Citadel” codex entry.

The Crone's Key
“While our Crone is the one to tend to the pious,/ And weds the betrothed in front of our throne.”
Head into the Throne room and approach the Throne itself. Use the Vision of R'hllor to reveal the final key.