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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 59 – Alester – Rings and Chains, Part 2

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 59 – Alester – Rings and Chains, Part 2

Objective: “Escort Criston to the castle safely.”
Fighting Tips:
Criston only has 2 abilities, Discourteous Kick and Blinding Dust. These are not great for damage but they are useful for keeping him alive. Anytime someone gets close to Criston, switch over to him and have him use either or both.

Main Gate:
After you ascend the stairs and reach the base of the bridge, Alester's party will be attacked by more guards. Initially there will be 2: 1 in Heavy Armor and 1 in Medium Armor. Head across the bridge and at the entrance another Roxton guard will attack. This one is a Boss in Medium Armor. From the base of the bridge the party will be attacked by 2 more Roxton guards. 1 comes in for melee in Medium Armor, another in Light Armor who has a Crossbow. As you enter the castle, another pair of guards attack you. Once again, one is in heavy Armor while the other is in Medium Armor and a Boss. They are the last of the guards before you can make it to the Castle itself.

Rear Gate:
Criston is not enthusiastic to use this path as he strongly suspects an ambush. There are 4 just inside the castle. 3 Ranged (all in Light Armor), 1 for Melee in Heavy Armor. Immediately focus on whoever aims for Criston the most. This is likely the one in melee so focus on him first then deal with the rest. Attempt to use Area of Effect because of the size of the area you are in. It is very easy to hit 2 to 4 targets in a single go.

After the first round, head on up the stairs to the next encounter. This one starts with a single guard in Light Armor who is a melee combatant. Take him down and he will stagger to his feet and run to the Castle Entrance itself, calling for help. Once he arrives there, the guards in the entry way will come and join him. This calls over 2 Guards, 1 in Light Armor and 1 in Medium Armor who is a Boss. Take them both down quickly or keep them interested in Alester over Criston. You are nearly there now. After that fight you nee

Inside the Castle:
Objective: “Go and Find Elyana.”
Once there, you will learn a lot more about what was the real plans were in action that pulled Criston into this game. Talking with Elyana makes it apparent she did not have deep feelings for this fellow at all. You can question this or press the matter of the Roxtons. Questioning Elyana reveals that Criston was a pawn in her plan to avoid marrying Lord Roxton. If you take matters to the Roxtons

When Quenn Roxton is brought forward and Criston's presence is told of, he will immediately demand Criston's execution. You have 3 choices here:
“That is the only option to calm him.”
Doing this will satisfy Quenn and he will relinquish his claim on the debt. Criston is killed and all is done. Quenn will be satisfied and will call off the debt.

“We will not be able to avoid a fight.”
This immediately brings things to fighting Edwyn. You have a chance to back out and simply pay the debt, but that is all.

“The lord's demands are excessive.”
Alester will attempt to soothe things over and avoid killing Criston. Quenn is adamant about it, claiming that she was “half-naked in the gutter rat's bed.” From here, you can give in, duel or stand your ground. If you stand your grounds, this moves to a duel to fight blood. Quenn chooses Edwyn to be his champion and Elyana asks Alester to be hers. If you do not stand as your sister's champion, you will have the option to just pay the debt.

Fighting Edwyn
He is an elite boss in Heavy Armor. He uses a 2-handed sword as well. This means he has a very good chance of knocking Alester down. They can inflict good damage that way. If that happens, it is very hard to win the fight. Save your interrupts for when he attempts to heal himself.