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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 61 – Alester – Avenge Riverspring, Part 2

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 61 – Alester – Avenge Riverspring, Part 2

Head back into the Kitchen and use the Key to gain access to the Collector's Cellar. Alester immediately senses there is more to the area then it shows.  Head straight forward to the West and use the Vision of R'hllor to reveal that the candle to the right is the key to revealing a hidden passage. Be warned as soon as it opened, a guard in Heavy Armor with a Warhammer will attack you. Defeat him and head down the stairs in front of you. Turn to the right and stop. There is a guard walking toward you. It is better to wait here and engage him at this point. If you let the encounter happened farther down the corridor, a second guard will join the fray making it that much harder.

Now head to the end of the corridor. Alester will learn more of what the Collector is up to. He actively sells Slaves as well. Take on the guard who is the room to the East of the corridor here to get the key you need free the slaves here. As you fight the second guard, there is a chance another pair of guards will come and attack you in Medium Armor and Light Armor respectively. The final guard is in Light Armor. He has a lot of help to boot too, bringing the fight to 5 verus 1.

Slave Key Fight
In this brawl there is 1 who is a Boss with no Armor but comes at you with a mace. There is only one guard with Medium Armor while the rest are in Light Armor. 2 of those number will attack Alester at range. It is important to handle this appropriate for your style. Focus on the melee at first as that contains the majority of the number in this fight. Cleave through them then focus on their ranged support. The 2 cannot do half as much damage on their own.

After the fight, head over to the Boss's corpse (the one in the gaudy clothes) and loot him. That will yield the keys you need. Before you go else where, head back into the room all the guards just came from. Head to the Southwest corner and look at the bookshelf there. There is a scroll you can collect with a document entitled: “A most rewarding transaction.” With that collected, turn your attention to the Eastern Wall of this room. Use the Vision of R'hllor to reveal a hidden passage with the solitary candlestick on that wall. It will reveal a hidden passage. Head into the Passage and turn to the South. Open the chest you find here to turn up a Knight's Cloak. Turn to the West and use the lever there. It will open a passage back to the main corridor. From here it is a simple matter to free of all the people being held here. Be sure to investigate the second cell as the prisoners left Alester Elite Broadhead Arrows and Bolts. Head for the 2 cells along the Western Wall now. Just get those and you will have freed all the Slaves.

Head to the North now and pass through the store room there to the East. As you enter the second room, look ahead just past the boards. There is a sack there with 7 silver inside it. Collect that then head tot he Northern path of the room. Look to the East and you will see a Blue Skull embossed on stone. Use the Vision of R'hllor to reveal a Hidden Passage behind it. Take the stairs up and look to the right. There is a chest with 7 silver inside it. Now turn to the North and use the lever to access the next part of the Manse.