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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 54: Gaur Plains Denizens, Part 1

From Jambos Rock Rest Area to Kamos Guidepost
Monster Levels: 11-17, 70-73, and 81

Skeeter- More of the same.  There aren’t many of these in the area, but they can be found.

Types: Leg Skeeter

Flier- There aren’t many of these, and just like on Kneecap Hill, they’re replaced by Wisps at night.

Types: Fine Flier

Wisp- Useful for a quest if you can get them to drop Glowing Wisp Fluid, these are slightly more plentiful than Fliers.  Try looking in the flatter areas of the plains.

Types: Light Wisp

Armu- There are a number of families of these wandering around the plains.  Normally, this wouldn’t be an issue- most Armu are docile.  But roughly half of the families of Armu wandering around here are led by a Magnis Ardun, a huge triceratopsian male of level 71 that not only shouldn’t you be messing with, but you shouldn’t be going near- they attack on sight.  Thankfully, there are enough families without them that you can generally get by anyway, should you need to kill Armu for some reason.

Types: Daughter Armu, Leg Armu, Leg Ardun, Magnis Ardun (Level 71)

Piranhax- As ever, the only fish you really see around the Bionis are the Piranhax.  Curiously, although the ones you can find here are pack fighters like all other piranhax, they’re actually nonaggressive, so it’s always fairly safe to swim.

Types: Leg Piranhax

Nebula- The newest type of enemy, the Nebulae all respond to Ether use, attacking immediately.  Fortunately, they only show up during rain, so you usually don’t have to worry about them interloping on your fight.  Nebulae usually fly around up high, so it’s hard to accidentally (or even intentionally) target them.  They fling around some minor stunning effects and can drain your Ether, but otherwise aren’t too dangerous.

Types: Aqua Nebula

Hox- These strange creatures are a lot like gigantic horned squirrels, even larger than Bunnit are.  Strangely, they’re all aggressive on top of being ‘pack fighters’.  They’re most common in the North near the Wind Ether deposit, so you’ll likely find yourself fighting or running past them frequently.  They don’t pack any powers or special attacks worth noting, but like the Bunnit, they’re a basic danger- not super-easy to handle like a Skeeter, but not especially terrifying either.

Types: Easy Hox

Volff- These pack fighters are like very tall wolves.  They alternate places with Ponio- Volff at night, Ponio during the day.  They usually are found in groups of two to four, and not only are they sight-aggro pack fighters, they will occasionally howl to summon more Volff.  Fortunately, it usually doesn’t work.  They can inflict Str Down occasionally, but mostly are threatening for coming in clusters and biting a lot.  Towards the South is a Volff Lair, this area mostly exists to hold a number of extra Volff at all times, and to house an Electric Ether Deposit.  So it’s worth going to.

Types: Leg Volff, Ugly Volff