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Dragon's Dogma Walkthrough Part 23: Land of Opportunity

Talk to Fournival, a rich merchant NPC in the Noble Quarter (NE part of the Capital, Gran Soren). He is either sitting on a table in his estate, or wandering the streets nearby. He wants to sell some land he owns to raise capital, but he must first evict those who live in it. This typically involves a rather involved procedure, but times are dire and he needs the current residents gone fast. He thinks that while the tenants will not hear the proposal from him, they will listen to the Arisen. He wants you to convince them that leaving quickly is in the best interest of all.

This begins the quest:

Land of Opportunity
Negotiate the Eviction

Fournival seeks to evict tenants from a property he owns, that he might sell it for a quick coin. He asks you intervene on his behalf

Speak with tenants Jasper, Sara, and Pip, and convince them to leave Fournival's property

Where to find Jasper
Finding Jasper should be easy, he should be visible on the minimap (red circle), wandering the streets between the fountain square and Noble Quarter. Jasper wants you to talk to his wife and kid first.

Note: Some users have reported that Jasper only appears during the day and in certain hours, or that he is bugged and missing altogether. If you cannot find him, try saving, quitting the game, and coming back again. Or leave town and re-enter.

Where to find Sara
Finding Sara should also be no problem. Check for her near the markets, or in the Urban Quarter. She is usually found walking the streets. She does not like the idea of leaving the property so abruptly, without enough notice. You need to give Sara some time, go to the Inn and sleep, then go back to talk to her and she should consent this time.

Where to find Pip
Finding Pip, the child, is a bit tricky. He is south of the manor initially, but then runs away and keeps hiding. First he runs off and hides on the roof of a stable in Craftsman's quarters, on the west side of Gran Soren. You have to jump and climb onto some roofs, then jump roof to roof, to reach Pip. Talk to Pip again. He does not agree to leave the property, and runs off again, this time towards the south of the city. Give chase, keep trying to GRAB him. Eventually he gives up and agrees to leave the property.

After you're done dealing with all three tenants, go back to Jasper again. He asks for 30,000G to cover his family's moving expenses. Agree to help him (You will be getting a bigger reward from Fournival anyway, 40,000 Gold so you will earn 10,000 gold).

Report back to Fournival at the Noble Quarter and tell him they agreed to leave. He gives you the reward.

Alternate Approach: Instead of evicting the husband, wife, and kid, You can buy the deed to the house and land from Fournival for 80,000G, if you have it. The family thanks you and rewards you with some gifts.

This completes the quest, Land of Opportunity