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Ghost Recon Future Soldier Walkthrough Part 17: Silent Talon Part 4

As you descend in the elevator, it will quickly become apparent that this is not merely a normal outpost. Access the ammo crate ahead of the elevator’s exit and walk out into the bunker. There will be more enemies down here. You will have to clear out another base, this one full of weapons and ordinance. Take cover behind the stack of crates to the left and target the two enemies in the towers with the Warhound’s mortars. The enemies in both of these towers will be equipped with RPGs, so it will be of great importance to take them out early in the battle.

After the two enemies equipped with RPGs have been killed, your next priority should be the mounted machine gun at the opposite end of the arena. Use cover swap to sprint to the right side of the path leading to the other side of the camp and take cover next to the forklift. From this position, you will be able to draw the mounted machine gun’s fire while you use the Warhound to take it out. Launch a guided missile from the Warhound and steer it straight into the machine gun emplacement. It is located along the left side of the base behind a row of sandbags. Hit the ground under the base of the mounted machine gun. This will destroy the machine gun and the enemies surrounding it.

Now that the two main threats have been eliminated, you can feel free to leave cover and be a bit more reckless in your approach. A few more enemies will occupy the camp, but their forces will be dwindling fast. Creep slowly through the buildings and the crates scattered about the base, using Sensor grenades to light up and hostiles who remain in the area. Using either your teammates for backup or the Warhound if the enemies are far enough away, eliminate the remaining enemies until the game notifies you that the area is all clear.

Once all of the enemies have been eliminated in the base, you and your team can proceed forward towards the helipad ahead. As you approach the concrete barriers and the ammo crate ahead, take cover behind one of the concrete barriers. Two enemy Hind helicopters will zero in on your location, and they’re closing fast. Jump back into the Warhound’s viewpoint and launch a guided missile towards the first helicopter. Note that aiming the guided missiles into the moving helicopters can be quite difficult, especially if the helicopters are turning, but you simply have to do it this way, and it’s best to get an early start on your attack. If you allow both of the helicopters to reach your location intact, it can be very difficult to survive the attack. In this case, you will have to scurry about between cover points all while using the Warhound to repeatedly launch guided missiles. As is, try to take out the first helicopter before it reaches your location. You will have to hit it twice before it will go down. As the first helicopter hits the ground, the second will try to veer off and escape. You can head it off by blowing it up if you are skilled enough, but if not, don’t worry about it. When playing with friends, note that there are two mounted machine gun positions on the helipad. Having your teammates take these can be very helpful in this battle.

Following the helicopter battle, the Warhound will lead you ahead towards the facility. Once again, the base will be heavily defended. As you approach the base, you will be met by an automated turret opening fire on you. Immediately sprint towards the crates ahead and take cover on the outside of the facility. Once you are safe, jump into the Warhound yet again and shoot a guided missile at the turret. This should be your first priority, as you will be pinned in cover if you can’t take it out. After the turret is done with, feel free to proceed a little deeper into the base using the Warhound for covering fire. Activate your Magnetic Goggles or toss out Sensor grenades to find enemies, and launch mortars from a position of safety to kill the enemies before they can reach you. As you proceed deeper into the base, stay behind the Warhound for cover and use cover swap when necessary to move to more stationary cover points. There will be a guard tower to the left, and more enemies will sit on the rooftop to the right. Hit them first, and then focus on the enemies on the ground.

As you proceed deeper into the base, a light vehicle will rush in from the left. Take cover and use the Warhound’s guided missiles to destroy it immediately. Also be sure to watch out for incoming RPGs, as several enemies in this section will be equipped with the deadly weapons. Again, using Sensor grenades in this section can be helpful to light up the last few enemies and reveal which ones should be your first priorities. When all of the enemies area dead, the word “Clear” will pop up on the top of your HUD and you will be free to move into the vase itself.