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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 70 – Crossroads, Part 2

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 70 – Crossroads, Part 2

Siding with Marianne
After a lengthy conversation about trusting her, Marianne will betray Alester and attempt to have him thrown into the cells.

Immediately Alester and Gawen are attacked by 4 guardsmen. 2 are in light armor, 1 in Medium and 1 in Heavy. This part is not the hardest but it does serve as a good warm up. Be sure to save your Wildfire and Flammable Oil. Be sure to turn around and loot the chest behind you, by the door, for 6 silver.

Objective: “Find a way into the dungeons to find the prisoner your brother told you about.”
Avoiding Fights
Head out of the Cellar to the West and then turn South to reach the Stairwell. Head through there and take it down a level. Continue South into the next room to begin the next fight. In the Maester's Corridor, you will encounter another 4 soldiers. 2 are in Light Armor, 1 in Medium and 1 in Heavy. 1 of the 2 in Light Armor will come charging at you, as do the pair in Medium and Heavy. The final one in Light Armor will hang back and fire at your group with a Crossbow.

All the fights
Head directly Southwest from the Cellar into the Dining Room. There the Sarwyck Brothers will encounter 2 guards in Heavy Armor and 1 in Light Armor. The pair in Heavy Armor will come charging at you with the single one in Light Armor will fight into the melee with his Crossbow.

Continue South into the next room to begin the next fight. In the Maester's Corridor, you will encounter another 4 soldiers. 2 are in Light Armor, 1 in Medium and 1 in Heavy. 1 of the 2 in Light Armor will come charging at you, as do the pair in Medium and Heavy. The final one in Light Armor will hang back and fire at your group with a Crossbow. 1 in light, 2 in Heavy

Optional Conversation
If you want to get more details, you can head up the stairwell to the first floor. Turn East into it. There you will encounter 4 guards. It will be the usual 4 arrangement: 2 in Light (1 in melee, 1 at ranged), 1 in Medium and 1 in Heavy (with a 2-handed War-mace). After that, turn to the North and head through the gate into the next part of the Corridor. Here you will encounter a Single guard in Heavy Armor. If you are not wading through the Castlewood troops, then there will be talk, otherwise, the Sarwyck Brothers just fight him.

Head out of the Maester's Corridor and head to the West. When you make it into the Main Entryway, you will find more Guards waiting for you. This time there are 5 guards are made of 2 in Light Armor and 2 in Medium Armor. 4 of them come charging into Melee with you. One remains by the front door and fights into the melee with a Crossbow.

Head through to the West and pull the lever to the left of the door to open it up. Just head to the West and through the door to reach the Dungeons. Head into the room that is through the door to the North and West to find 2 different types of Heavy Armor Gauntlets. After that, go on through to the Dungeon itself.