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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 67: Do Not Fall While Staring At Monsters

Crevasse Waterfall is a series of bridges and a switchback path leading up to the second level of the Bionis’ Leg, where you can find a Wind Ether deposit- and near the top of the switchback is a small detour with one of the so far rare Water Ether deposits on it as well.  Just watch your step- there are no railings here anywhere.  This area is full of Tirkin, and during the day you can spot a number of high-powered flying creatures as well.  The Crevasse Waterfall switchbacks lead up to an area behind one of the major Landmarks of the Bionis’ Leg upper level, the Zax Guidepost.  Try to avoid accidentally aggro-ing one of the flying creatures here.  They will kill you almost without thinking about it.

Crevasse Waterfall
Monster Levels: 15-19, 76, 79

Tirkin- More Tirkin lurk here, and the variety of weapon-wielding puffins only increases.  In addition to the usual bow, spear, and lance wielding Tirkin, there are now Ranger Tirkin, who will shoot you up with arrows and dodge your own attacks.  Most of the Tirkin here are sight aggressive, and now you’ll finally see more of the Lancer Tirkin, some of the only ones that are both sight-aggro and pack fighters.  Normally, at this point, Tirkin of these levels would not be a danger- but you’re operating on some very thin ledges, and with a number of melee Tirkin crowding around you, it gets very, very easy to fall off accidentally.  Your safest bet is to come through here at level 22 so that they do not attack, and just walk past.  No amount of gear, money, or even experience points is worth falling off a cliff repeatedly.  Not when more Tirkin lurk on the second level where there aren’t any bottomless drops to lurch over.

Varieties: Brave Tirkin, Ranger Tirkin, Sniper Tirkin, Lancer Tirkin

Tokilos- These huge avians resemble a cross between a bird and a pterodactyl, all in a brilliant sky blue.  You’ll only see them during the day, but they like to simply sit there on a ledge near the top of the switchback.  Happily, if you stand on the cliff over them, they won’t be facing you, and on your way up the switchback, there’s always terrain in the way, so you don’t need to worry about these monsters ambushing you.  You could, if you were really brave (stupid), leap from the overhead cliff onto their ledge, but there are really far too many easier ways to commit suicide.

Varieties: Leg Tokilos (Level 79)

Rhogul- Despite its title, this is not a named monster- so it’s unlikely that the literal meaning of its name is true.  This immense bird, for whatever reason, flies in small circles near the Crevasse Waterfall path.  It appears to be sight-aggressive, but it won’t attack you as you climb the path.  It seems to mostly be there to scare you when you turn to look back at the cliff you scaled and realize that three massive flying wads of death were possibly watching you the whole time and just didn’t think eating you was worth the trouble.

Varieties: Last Rhogul (Level 76)