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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 68: Maguel Road and the Upper Level

Maguel Road is a path that leads up onto the second level of the Bionis’ Leg- then stops.  Near the end of the road is a lake, which contains an island and a couple of bridges that cross it so that they can reach a massive set of doors apparently built into the cliff wall.  These doors lead to Colony 6's region... but there’s really nothing to do there.  Yet.  Unless you really -really- like chasing tiny squirrels.  Or regular sized squirrels.  Tiny Hox?  Whatever.

Maguel Road is also unfortunately inhabited by several Mechonis.  They do not seem to have infested the rest of the upper level, though, which is mostly full of Tirkin and a few lizards that like the marshy areas.

Upper Level
Monster Levels: 13, 15-20, 75

Tirkin- Tirkin, Tirkin everywhere.  Thankfully, the giant puffins haven’t been around long enough to get truly boring, and the area has a good variety of htem doing a good variety of things.  Trainer Tirkin lurk in the marshy areas, apparently herding lizards.  Many other Tirkin wander around here and there, patroling or harvesting or something.  Also, there is Trainer Harmelon, a Tirkin that wanders accompanied by his two Berserk Ardun and wants to smash all things Homs.  The Ardun aren’t dangerous, but they do get in the way when you try to handle him- make sure you go all-out on him first.  It’s a good habit to have in many battles.

Varieties: Trainer Tirkin, Guard Tirkin, Lancer Tirkin, Sniper Tirkin, Brave Tirkin, Ranger Tirkin, Arrogant Tirkin

Mechon- Mechon lurk on Maguel Road, and are more there to pester you than anything else.  You can get some decent goodies from busting them up, though.  There’s not much to be aware of here, though the low-built M53X quads are kind of interesting with their ranged attacks and an annoying Strength debuff.

Varieties: M53X, M64, M32 Scout

Flier- Nothing new here, just a pretty insect.

Varieties: Clowd Flier

Brog- There is one brog lurking in the lake.  Remember that quest for Brog Leg Meat?  Yeah.  Gonna have to kill this guy a -lot-.  Fortunately, like most Brog, the most threatening thing he can do is knock you down and make you stand back up.

Varieties: Big Brog

Sardi- There is some water up here, and it contains the Mellow Sardi.  Contrary to their name, Mellow Sardi are aggressive fish on sight, and will attack you.  This is a little inconvenient since they don’t tend to lurk in the deeper water and that forces you to lure them closer.  Fortunately, they lack the ranged attack inherent to Piranhax.

Varieties: Mellow Sardi

Flamii- Strangely, the Flamii that live here only appear at night in the lake area.  Pack fighters as ever, they remain passive, and mostly don’t do a lot- they retain the Flurry Kick attack, though.

Varieties: Lahar Flamii

Wisp- Most of the wisps here are just the same old same old, but one that lurks over the lake at night is different.  Named Night Cardamon, this one is still passive, but it is a pack fighter, so it will attack you if you attack another Wisp in its presence.  Beyond that, it’s not too remarkable- its level is low, and it -is- a Wisp, after all.

Varieties: Light Wisp, Flash Wisp, Night Cardamon

Lizards- The Lizards up here are pretty much the same as ever- inoffensive pack creatures, they are spread out through the marshes, only one or two to a marsh thankfully.  They pack no special techniques worth noting, really, just a high attack speed.

Varieties: Leg Lizard

Armu- There are only two Armu here- the pair of Berserk Ardun that follow Trainer Harmelon around.  While both have the Ardun Plow and Rage attacks that Violent Andante showed off, they’re only level 13 and just aren’t going to achieve much with them.

Varieties: Berserk Ardun (Level 13)

Rhogul- Remember how I said not to take Last Rhogul’s title literally?  This is why.  Another of these things exists up here, circling over a thin landbridge that you have to climb a switchback to reach.  Be careful of it, but don’t avoid it- that landbridge leads to the game’s second Secret Area, a ledge called Believer’s Paradise that overlooks the waterfall.  It’s a pretty little field and hides a Heart-to-Heart, though you can’t access that yet.

Varieties: Last Rhogul (Level 75)