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Lollipop Chainsaw Walkthrough: Boss Battle: Zed

After a cutscene introducing Zed the punk rock zombie, you will be tasked with navigating a junkyard to the stage, where the boss plays. Along the way, Zed will occasionally sling letters at you. Dodge to the left or right to avoid these attacks, and turn the corner to the left ahead to kill the zombies. As you progress, Zed will drop a car on you. Quickly hit the Y or Triangle button followed by the B or O cutton, and watch out afterwards as Zed slings more letters your way. Chop through the car ahead and you will be faced with six zombies, one of whom will be stronger than the others. Kill the weaker zombies first, and then focus on the zombie with the walker. Stun them all with your pom-poms to focus on one at a time, if necessary. When you’re done with them, kick down the gate ahead.

Jump up on the slide and ride it down to the lower level. Three more zombies will await you down here. Dispatching them should be easy. When they’re all dead, proceed to the fence ahead and saw through it to open up the path ahead. Keep moving forward, and Zed will toss more junk at you. Hit the dodge button three times in a row to avoid a falling lamp post and two cars. When you’re safely on the ground, kick over the colum behind you and slide down it to reach the lower level. Six zombies will be milling about down here. Dodge around their attacks, stun them with your pom-poms, and try to get a Sparkle Hunting reward or two. When they are all dead, jump over the concrete block ahead and hit the saw button, the dodge button, the saw button, the dodge button, and the saw button again to completet the quick time event. Run up the side of the school bus and collect the lollipop before jumping down to the stage. This will officially initiate the boss battle against Zed.

Boss Battle: Zed

Zed is vastly tougher than the other zombies you have faced before, but he is still one of the easier boss zombies in the game, and you can overcome him with a little persistence and the right timing of combos and lollipop usage.

Immediately lock on to Zed as the battle begins. He will jump to center stage and spit a long word at you. Dodge to the left or the right to avoid it. He will then dash to the side. Keep an eye on him and attack when he stops. You will now be trading blows with the boss. Hit him as many times as you can. If you’re lucky, you can stun lock him for several hits in a row and whittle down his health bar quickly. The first part of the battle will follow this pattern, with Zed shouting damaging words your way before dashing and attacking a few times. Keep repeating the strategy of dodging to the sides, chasing him down, and attacking him over and over until his health meter is all of the way down. With the word “Finish” appears on the screen, you just need to hit him one more time. When you do, a quick time event prompt will appear onscreen. Hit down on the left stick and mash on either the Triangle or the Y button as quickly as you can to chop the boss in half from head to toe.

Unfortunately, as mentioned earlier, Zed is much stronger than your average zombie. Being a magical boss, he, like the other bosses, will reconstruct himself several times before he officially dies. Once Zed has put himself back together, he will come at you with a new pattern of attacks. This time, he will summon towers of amps from the sky. He will then jump from one tower to the next while tossing a bladed Mohawk at you. You will have to destroy the amp that he is standing on, prompting him to jump on to another one. Destroy that one as well. He will keep jumping on higher and higher amps, so reduce them all to the ground until he has nowhere else to jump. This will promp him to summon a giant speaker from the sky. Approach it and hit the saw button the begin sawing it in half. When he shouts a word down at you, hit the dodge button to back away before approaching the speaer and sawing at it again. Repeat this several times until the speaker falls, and approach zZed and saw him in half again.

You will now have to contend with Zed on the ground again. This one will be a relatively straightforward brawl, with the both of you slashing away at each other in close quarters. Just watch out for Zed’s dash and thrust attacks, which can break your combos easily. Also be sure to keep a lock on Zed, as he will sometimes try to escape by dashing to one side or another. Keep on him, and keep him under pressure. As Zed’s health bar nears its end, he will begin to attack with flying Mohawks. Press the dodge button at the last second to avoid these and send them spiraling right into Zed’s face. When his health bar has been depleted, he will shout, sending you flying back. You will need to resist the forces of the energy that he is spewing at you and run towards center stage to saw right through him, all while dodging a constant stream of damaging letters and words. Hit him one last time to finish the boss off for good.