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Lollipop Chainsaw Walkthrough: The Storm At San Romero High Part 2

When you land, you will find a shop to your left and a ramp in the front. Ramp over using the Chainsaw Dash when you are ready, and keep the dash going. As you dash towards the next rooftop, try to hit the zombies and the coins to get score bonuses. Lighting will begin to fall when you get to the next rooftop, so be careful as you continue to Chainsaw Dash down the alley. Stay towards the left side of the alley to catch a ramp up to a fire escape above, where you will be able to collect bonus coins. Take the ramp from there back to the ground, hang a sharp right, and collect the fuel canisters before continuing onwards. Go off the big jump and you will land in another zombie basketball court.

This game will play out just like the last one. You will have two minutes to score 100 points by chopping off the zombie heads with your chainsaw. The big difference here, other than a slightly shortened time limit, is that the guardian zombies will be more aggressive, and some of them will be bigger. Take out the guards first, and stun the big ones with your pom-poms or with a butt bounce if you’ve unlocked the move already. Keep slicing and dicing and you’re sure to beat the score before the time limit ends. Collect the coins that pour forth from the sky and head up the stairs to launch off of some more ramps.

When you ride these ramps, be sure to stick to the right. Another ramp will send you flying up to another catwalk flush with coins. Ride it around to the left and launch off below. Take the next jump up to another catwalk on the left to grab a star, and then launch back down to the ground below. Ride the ramp to the left and dodge the fallen debris on the next rooftop. Jump off of this rooftop and ride the path to the right. Two groups of three zombies will sit in front of you. If you can hit all three of them at the same time, you can get Sparkle Hunting bonuses for both of them.

Juliet will launch off of the rooftop and land in a gym, where zombies will work on their pecs and running skills. Chop them up as they fall off of the treadmills, and watch out for the elderly zombie, who will be tougher than the others. Dodge past her attacks and give her special attention with the chainsaw. When most of the enemies area dead, a named zombie will drop down from the ceiling and spin around like a tornado. As you may be able to guess, this zombie will employ spin attacks, but you can get past them easily enough with your dodge move. Stay out of her way, eliminate any of the smaller zombies who might remain, and then stun her with your pom-poms before slicing her up with your chainsaw. When you’re done, Leave the room and search behind the door to the left to find a lollipop. Another lollipop will await you at the end of the corridor to the right. Grab it, climb up the stairs, and then jump down into the clearing below to encounter a group of zombie cheerleaders cornering three survivors. Quickly dash from one cheerleader to the next to save the survivors. Be sure to approach each of them after saving them to collect the coin bonus.

When you have saved all of the survivors, ride the machine that just dropped from the sky and obey the prompts onscreen to get a coin bonus as you fly through the air. Stop to shop ahead before answering a phone call from Cordelia. She will advise you to use your homing attack to kill from a distance. With that in mind, Chainsaw Dash over the ramp to the right to encounter a group of three zombie football players. Chop them up to get a coin bonus and then drop Nick’s head on the glowing body to the left. Obey the prompts on the screen to clear the barrels from the ramp ahead.

Chainsaw Dash over the ramp to leave the rooftop and land on another. Quickly dash ahead and go off the ramp to collect some coins. Stick to the right to collect more coins on the next jump. As you reach the next rooftop, four firefighters will drop down to your positions. Dodge their fireand choose your moments for attack. When all of the zombie firefighters are re-dead, a lightning bolt will clear a ramp ahead. Grab the lollipop from by the fence before taking the ramp. Stick to the center for a coin bonus on the next jump and follow the trail of coins. Choose to go either left or right at the branch ahead; either way, you will get big coins on the next few jumps. Keep following the ramps and Juliet will launch off and grab her present, lazily floating to the ground in a baseball stadium with it.

Her present, as it will turn out, will be a grenade launcher attachment for the chainsaw, called the Chainsaw Blaster. Just in time, too, as this will initiate a game of zombie baseball, which everyone knows is played exclusively with a grenade launcher.