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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 97 – Alester and Mors – Not So Wild, Part 3

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 97 – Alester and Mors – Not So Wild, Part 3

Talking with the Magnar
Agree to speak with the Magnar by the fires to learn more of what is happening with the Wildlings. Head forward and through the door on your right. Head all the way up to the second floor. Once you make it into the courtyard, face the Western part of the bonfire and switch to Alester. Use the vision of R'hllor to reveal a hidden pair of Knight's Gauntlets. Talking with Sabraque, Mors can learn about the Others, wargs and their future plans. This will also yield the Wildling Bracelet which greatly adds the Hound's abilities and reduces his recharge times.

Fighting the Magnar
The fortress is overrun with Wildlings. This fight will take some time to get through so be ready for a good brawling. Head through the first door ahead to the right. Turn to the North and head across to the Northern tower. There you will find the first of the Wildlings. This pair comes at you in Light Armor with a dagger and Medium Armor armed with a Falchion.

Once they are dead, head up the stairs to the first floor. Turn to the South and it is time to face more of the Wildlings. At this landing, you will find another pair of Wildings. One is in Light armor and coming at Alester and Mors with his Bow and Arrow. The other is dual wielding cutting weapon and is in Medium Armor.

The path can split here. To continue on toward the final fight, keep in the Northern tower and follow it up to the second floor. This leads more directly to the Magnar but results in a few more scattered fights. If you want to get more fighting down, continue on up the Southern Tower. At the top, head into the door to find more Wildlings. The first one is in Medium Armor with 2 weapons. After that, head to the East. You can send the dog through the gap in the boxes. Savage the Wildling looking into the fire. After that, return to Mors and head back down to the first floor.

When you take the Northern Tower to the top, there is a trio of Wildlings to deal with. The first 2 are in Heavy and Light Armor. The one in Heavy Armor comes at you with a Spear and Shield while the one in Light Armor uses a dagger. The third one fires at you with his bow and is in Light Armor.

Head into the Hallway beyond them and go into the Central courtyard. It is time to face down the Magnar and his men. There are 5 in total. 3 are not wearing Armor while 1 is in Light and the Magnar is an Elite Boss in Heavy Armor. Keep the Magnar stunned as much as possible with the Hound, Alester or Mors. Around that, focus on tearing through the rest of his men. It is important to keep the Magnar out of the fight as he likes to set his sword on fire either with regular flames or Wildfire. Wildfire creates a lot of trouble so be sure his blade does not ignite blue. If it does, focus on him until it stops burning.

Once the fighting is all over, head to the Southern part of the courtyard. There you can talk with Thistle. She will curse you and try to provoke Mors into killing her. Mors will not give in though.

Objective: “Return to Castle Black and report back to Qhorin Halfhand.”
Either way, once things are dealt with at Icemark, it is time to report to Halfhand in Castle Black. If you talked with the Wildlings, Mors can either lie to Halfhand or tell him the truth. Lying, he tells them they are dead. If he tells the truth, Halfhand gets outraged but calms when Mors tells him to listen to the full story. He mentions that the rumors about the White Walkers is something that has come up time and time again. People are beginning to worry about them apparently. That is the last of the sidequests!