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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 86: I Knew Him

The camera cuts to a metal-walled room- some kind of depot, hangar, or other storage space.  In the background, there are a number of panels and displays on the wall, Reyn poking around aimlessly at them for lack of anything to do.

Otharon has, in the meantime, been informed of what happened to Juju, and mutters over it, referring to Mysterious Face as ‘the bronze-faced one’.  That done with, Sharla tries to press him for some kind of information- anything- on Gadolt- to which Otharon replies that he is ‘gone’.  Incredulous, Sharla asks again, hoping to get something more than that and not believing Gadolt could be dead.


Gadolt and Otharon stand in the same room as the group are in now, with Otharon providing a voice-over explanation.  He states that he and Gadolt had spent the entire month planning a surprise attack intended to set all the Colony 6 citizens free.... and they ‘failed miserably’.  He goes on to explain that when he regained consciousness, Gadolt was nowhere to be found, leaving behind only his ether rifle.

Returning to the present, Otharon declares that he is sure Gadolt still lives- for the man apparently was like a son to him, and he would feel it if Gadolt had died.  Sharla cringes at the statement, shying away from the possibility of Gadolt’s death.

Reyn pipes up then, and apparently has decided that he likes the taste of his boots too much to stay quiet- his contribution to the conversation is to mention that some of the citizens from Colony 9 were eaten during the attack.  Shulk attempts to interrupt, but Reyn realizes even as his blond friend speaks just what kind of a gaffe he’s committed, and flatly says to forget that he mentioned it.

After a brief moment of raw uncomfortable, Otharon speaks again, this time to Shulk.  He mentions that the Monado was once Dunban’s- and says that he’s not sure why Shulk has it, but that since he does, the full strength of the weapon will be needed.  Shulk nods at that, agreeing.

Taking charge like the military man he is, Otharon says that the group will need to head for the central pit of the Ether Mine, since all the Homs are taken there.  This also makes it the place to find Juju.  He gives a highly official direction- ‘Gather your things, we’re moving out.’  Sharla and Reyn simply nod in response, though they don’t move- the only one with any things to gather is Otharon, after all.  Shulk doesn’t respond though, he just stands there- and then his eyes start to glow....