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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 100 – Alester and Mors – Light and Shadow, Part 3

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 100 – Alester and Mors – Light and Shadow, Part 3

Objective: “Look for the secret passage near the Violet Lantern left by Varys, which will lead you to the royal palace.
The entrance to the Palace is found in the Southern part of the sewers. The problem you will encounter is that Valarr expected this to a degree and sent his Bloodseekers down into the sewers to search Alester and Mors. You can either weave your way over to the West and South with all the fighting or try to slip through to the South using the hidden passages found throughout the sewers.

From the arena entrance, head through the Southwestern exit. If it looks like a Dead End, use Alester's Vision of R'hllor to reveal a hidden passage out. Once through that first door, turn to the South. As you near the end of the corridor to the South, you will find another group of Bloodseekers. This one has 4 in it. 2 of them are in Medium Armor with a Scimitar and a Polearm. One is in Light Armor with a sword. The final one is in Heavy Armor with an Axe and Shield.

Head through the Arena to the West. There is an Armor Merchant in the Northern Preparation Room if you would like to look at his wares. After that continue through the Southwest door out of the arena. On the other side you will find 1 Bloodseeker in Light Armor with a Dagger. Take care of him then turn to the South, heading down the corridor. At the first break in the corridor is another Bloodseeker in Medium with 2 weapons. Around the next corner is another Bloodseeker in Medium Armor with a Polearm. As you pass the room on the left, there is a chance you will attract the attention of the 3 men inside. They all have swords but the full variety of Armor is found on them.

Continue to the Southeast from there. As you move to exit this chamber you will encounter 3 more Bloodseekers. One is in Light Armor with a Dagger, another in Medium Armor with a Sword and Dagger and the final one is in Heavy Armor with a Spear.

As the Corridor goes West then does it short bend to the South you will find more Bloodseekers. This lot is a pair of them. One in Medium Armor with a Polearm and the other with a Sword. Attack them and 2 more Bloodseekers from around the corner will come and attack as well. One is in Medium Armor with a Spear and the other is in Heavy Armor with an Axe and Shield. Move more to the East and you will find 3 more Bloodseekers waiting for you. This lot has 2 in Medium Armor, one with a spear and one with a Polearm. The remaining one is in Light Armor with a Sword.

Both Path join here:
Head to the South from that encounter through the next few doors. Turn to the East at the end of the corridor. There you will find 2 Bloodseekers patrolling the hallway. One is in Heavy Armor with a 2-handed Axe with the other is in Medium Armor with a Polearm. This will also draw out 2 more who will attack your group from behind. Another foe in Medium Armor with a Sword and a final one in Light Armor with a Dagger. Defeat them then head under the Violet Lantern. Switch to Alester and look to the West of the Lantern. There is a torch that will will ignite and reveal a passage when Alester using the Vision of R'hllor.

Open the passage and head on through. Pause at the trough you find at the first corner. It has 20 silver inside. Around the next corner is another bit of treasure in the grating to the left: 17 silver. After that, talk with Varys to get inside the Red Keep.