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Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Walkthrough Part 10 – Asylum Assignment, Part 2

Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Walkthrough Part 10 – Asylum Assignment, Part 2

Head up the stairs to the right. 3 inmates will attack the Duo. Beat them and continue upwards. Just at the top of the stairs is a switch: throw it. This will freeze the waterfall nearby, giving you a way forward. Climb up the frozen waterfall and head over to the right. There about 6 inmates that need to be dealt with. Head away from the ladder, into the body of water. Head into the center of the room and smash up the 2 tanks on the left and the right. They will give way to 2 water spouts. Continue to the right from there and smash up the blue blocks to the right.

Use the pieces that break apart from there to build a suit changer for Robin. This gives him his Ice Suit. Use it freeze the Water Spouts you created and the waterfall in the back center portion of the room. With all that water frozen, it is time to start climbing.

Head up the Waterfall then over to the left. Head toward the screen then over to the right, jumping across the frozen water spouts. If Batman falls, do not worry, it is just Robin who is needed for now. On the other side, have Robin head over to the right and through the freeze jet. Head toward the spinner and push it over to the left, stopping the Freeze Jet. Head on up the stairs with the pair now.

This room is apparently the cell of Victor Freeze. Go and dealing with the minions banging away on his holding cell. There are only about 6 of them. After that, head for the back left corner of the room as Batman. He is the only one who can safely scale the electrified ladder to get the minion and the power switch. Absorb the power from the switch to let Robin climb up.

Once Robin is on the same level as Batman, have him climb onto the Ice Wall just to the right of the generator. Climb and hop your way across the holding cell to the opposite side. Here, drop into the secondary cell where there is a switch to start disabling the 2 Freeze Jets above. It will reveal a Spinner.  Push it over to the left 180 degrees. This will stop the Freeze Jets and clear the way for Batman to cross the Holding Tank. On the other side, have him draw the power from the switch to the right of the gate. This will open the gate and let Batman get into the elevator behind it. Once Batman is in there, switch to Robin and have him come up and over to the elevator as well.

At the top of the elevator, it is time to deal some with the Scarecrow. First though head over to the left. There is a Save Station waiting for your use there. After that, head to the right. There are 8 minions that need to be dealt with. Once they are gone, back to puzzles.

There is a large bank of monitors. On the left edge of it is a socket that Batman can power. Have him pass the charge into it. Now change to Robin and have him use the nearby Suit Changer to equip his Acrobat Suit. It is time for another Ball Puzzle. Be sure to also head over to the left and use the rods by the top of the stairs to swing over to the collectible in the heights of the monitor room.

Have Robin immediately get into the Ball and roll over to the Ball Socket. Head Up, Left, Down and Left to raise up a vault. Target the glowing handle with your grappling hook. It will open to reveal 4 minions who come at you. Beat them down then assemble the next suit changer for Batman. This will give him the Sensor Suit that will let him get past the security cameras back in the other room.