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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 5 – Escape Impossible, Part 2

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 5 – Escape Impossible, Part 2

Head down the corridor and into the security gate section. Dr. Connors will let you through the secondary gate. When you reach the area with the patients having a little party, look along the right-hand wall. You will see a bookcase leaning on a wheelchair. Investigate this to find an audio file. Head along the corridor in front of you until you reach the pile of burning rubble. At that point, jump up and swing your way down the rest of the corridor.

The next part has someone breaking in through the window: Felicia. Head to the right after she has a few words with Spider-man. Above the entrance to Storage is an open ventilation opening. Web Rush it or just climb up to it.

As you enter the next room, it is apparent there are inmates to deal with. Web Rush the first one then there are 5 more to deal with in the room. Defeat them all to open a door you can look it. Again, either rush it or just run through it. On the other side you will find Dr Connors waiting for you. He tells you it is your turn to get him through. Turn around and look above you to the right. You will find another vent cover. Head up to it and pull it out. Follow the ventilation shaft to the next console. Interact with it to get Dr. Connors into the Courtyard.

It is apparent things are not going well as rounds are being fired off in the Courtyard. Head over to the left and go up (or around) the staircase. At the top you will find one of the gunmen shooting down into the courtyard. Knock him out (or down) to deal with the matter. Now attempt to drop down yourself. Another gunman will reveal himself on the opposite side of the courtyard. Web Rush him to knock him out quickly.

Focus on the inmates around the courtyard for the moment. Once you have taken 1 or 2 down then 2 more Gunmen will appear. Dodge as best you can then Web Rush (or Retreat) up onto Walls. Track down the Gunmen first and take them out to prevent the most damage. After that, it is time to get to work on the rest of the inmates. Just do what you can to tear through them, building as big of a combo streak as you can. This will ensure that you can use the highest number of signature moves for quick take downs. After that, it is only a short cutscene away from moving to the next part of the chapter.

Time for Spider-man to get Dr. Connors to his apartment. Look at the mini-map and head to the Haven, Peter's rooftop apartment. After a talk with Dr. Connors and Gwen, you can look around his apartment. To get moving again, look to the left a few times.