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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 107: Into the Murk

Now that’s dealt with, it’s time to pop back to the Colony 6 area and head further South- to the Satorl Marsh.  You’ll find yourself entering the Misty Path- which leads to the Kelsher Wetland, the first part of Satorl Marsh.

On arriving, you get a brief introview to the area, as you’ve been getting for each area so far.

Shulk is astounded by the marsh’s appearance, which is completely unlike anything he’s ever seen before.  Dunban comments to him that this is why he’s been trying to get the young man out of his lab every so often.  The older man then turns to the others and explains that the group will have to actually go inside the Bionis to get to the other regions.  This stuns Sharla a bit, who claims she had never thought of actually going inside of the Bionis itself.

Dickson keeps going, warning that the closer the group gets to the top, the more monsters they’re going to see.  Furthermore, apparently only explorers like himself and the Nopon merchants head this far in- whether he means ‘into the Bionis’ or ‘in towards the Bionis’ is unclear.  Dunban actually teases the blond man about this, suggesting he knows all the ‘fun spots’.  Amused, Dickson retorts that this is the only way to head up towards the top of the Bionis.  Shrugging off any potential weirdness, Shulk points out that hte group is going to keep going anyways, getting some encouragement from the moustached man.

Then you’re given the reins again.

This lower part of the Satorl Marsh isn’t much- the Kelsher Wetlands are largely nondangerous during the daytime.  At night, most of the hazard comes from the immensely powerful Frost Nebula t hat float around and wait for you to use an Art.  Try not to encourage them to attack you.  Most of what’s down here is Flamii and Upa- both of these in the low-20's level-wise, as well as the occasional Aqua Nebula, a water-element Nebula that appears here at any time of day.

If you’ve reached the point where you want to shuffle your team composition around because two characters have reached Pink Heart affinity and you’d rather send the Affinity bonuses for quests and the Assist ability elsewhere, this is an excellent spot to stay in (or return to) in order to get some practice- as long as you’re in the Marsh, the creatures here are durable enough that fights aren’t instantly over, but weak enough not to really cause you much harm.

When you reach the top of the Kelsher Wetland and enter the Lacus Swamp, the group stops at Sharla’s request- the sharpshooter has spotted a group of Nopon and their pack Armu waiting.  Dickson recognises the Nopon as merchants, and Reyn wonders what they’re here for.  Sharla declares that there must be a reason, and suggests that the group go find out- to which Shulk agrees.