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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 113: Upper Satorl Marsh Creatures (Part 2)

Upper Satorl Marsh Area
Level Range: 22-26 and 28 and 30 and 80-85

Volff- There are two more kinds of Volff here.  Officer Volf are the more interesting, traveling with other Volff and basically making them more dangerous by using their special Art- Shudder Intimidate.  This lowers the offense, both Ether and physical- of your party members, making it important to either interrupt the art (preferably by killing the Volff) or to have Dunban in the group so he can mostly counter it by way of his +Strength Aura.  There are also the Partner Volff, who are tamed by one or another of the Igna and will only fight what that Igna fights- otherwise, they can actually be completely ignored.  Finally, there is Swift Zektol, a named Officer Volff who would be more terrifying if he didn’t just do the same things as an Officer Volff on a slightly higher level.

Types: Officer Volff, Partner Volff, Swift Zektol (Level 28)

Caterpile- The Satorl Marsh reintroduces us to the Caterpile, a group of huge caterpillar-like creatures that apparently never turn into butterflies or moths at all.  What a shame.  At any rate, these creatures are passably dangerous as, living in a group in a single valley, their pack-fighter nature makes them a bit of a hazard.  While slow and formed mostly of huge sacks of HP, the Caterpile you can find around here are fairly powerful.  As a reminder, Caterpile have two particularly noteworthy attacks.  First of all, they all pack a ranged attack that can’t seem to decide if it’s some kind of gastric acid or venom.  This makes running away from them a bit dangerous, allowing them to shoot you in the back.  Their other attack is simply called ‘Caterpile Attack’, and involves the bug in question curling into a large, spiky ball and rolling into- and sometimes over- their target.  This charging attack isn’t stopped when it hits a target, so expect that both/all your melee artists will be struck by it and knocked back a short distance.

Types: Satorl Caterpile

Igna- The Igna get more numerous as you reach the Upper Satorl Marsh- understandable, as the fortress which they make their home of is also up here.  In addition to the previous Duel, Fighter, and Ether Igna, you now have to deal with axe-wielding Igna, defensive Igna, and the occasional stronger Ether-using Igna.  Expect to run afoul of them a lot- the Igna patrol their territory rather aggressively.  What’s more, there is the occasional trainer Igna- an Igna who in addition to being a decent melee fighter has tamed a couple of Partner Volff, who will fight alongside it just to make your day a little harder.  If that weren’t enough, Aggressive Cornelius is very nearby, and he’s got several friends with him.  High level for an Igna, he also packs the Big Combo attack, which is a three-hit attack that can do serious damage even to Reyn, and additionally inflicts Daze on whoever it connects with.  As dangerous as that is, it’s more dangerous when Cornelius’ lackeys are still around, so make sure you flatten them before focusing on the big Igna.

Types: Duel Igna, Fighter Igna, Ether Igna, Barbaro Igna, Shield Igna, Mistol Igna, Aggressive Cornelius (Level 28)

Torta- There is only one Torta here- the Satorl Torta- and it’s a monster, alright.  Lurking around at a level you don’t want to consider right now, it is thankfully nonagressive- so just leave it be in its pond with a few Detox Brog.

Types: Satorl Torta (Level 85)

Brog- You’re going to keep seeing these until you get away from the water.  Nothing else to say really, other than don’t fight the Poison Brog while standing in the Poison Swamp water.

Types: Detox Brog, Poison Brog