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Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 22 – Unwelcome Guest, Part 2

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 22 – Unwelcome Guest, Part 2

After Superman has saved the Duo, head to the right to find a Save Station. After that, change to Superman and use his Heat Vision on the Gold Block doorway in front of you. Next, fly all the way up to the top of the shaft. There you will find 2 crates to destroy that are surrounded by flame. The first is in the center of the room against the back wall. The second is over to the right. Assemble the pieces of both of them to create a path for Batman and Robin to use later on.

With that all set up, switch to Batman or Robin. Head through opening that Superman created and grapple upwards. The grapple point will raise you up to the second level of this area. Head over to the left and climb up the grey wall. At the top, head to the right and use the bars that you assembled as Superman earlier. Head over to the right and use the grappling gun to scale upwards and to the left.

Once on this top platform, change to Robin. Look to the left-hand side and you will find a pole socket to through his staff into. Once it is in the socket, use the double-jump to resume scaling. Hop the 3 to the right then the one to the left. As soon as Robin lands on that fourth one, the wall will crumble and a waterfall is born. Switch to Superman and use his Freezing Breath to form up an ice wall for the others to climb.

If you need it, at the top to the right, you will find a suit changer with the Power Suit for Batman. Head  toward the silver vault lock in the back of the room. 3 Lexbots will come out from the ground and attack the trio of heroes. Beat them down then turn your attention to the Silver Vault Lock. Use the Power Suit's bombs to blast that lock off so you can move on forward.

Change to Superman and approach the X-Ray wall. Look to the left and right first, there are 2 power circuits that needs to be moved in. After that, look above where the pieces moved to find the final piece. Only when all 3 are in will the door open.

Head on forward and the ground in front of you will shatter revealing only balance beams for going forward. Switch to Superman and head over to the right. There you will find a platform to land. Go to the second level of it and use his Heat Vision on the Gold Blocks there. You will find a piece of the collectible over there.

Now, as Batman and Robin, head to the North to the platform with the Batman symbol on it. A rock will fall and take out more of the remaining floor. Now, turn to the left. You will finally reach a ledge that will not collapse as you go toward it.

Approach the tube with the Magnet Suit for Robin and it will open. Claim the suit and then change to Superman. Have him fly up to the ledge above and use his Freezing Breath on the flames just above the grappling point. Change back to Robin and  climb up there. If Batman is around and in his Power Suit, use it to blast the Silver section of the wall. It will reveal a Joker Card you can punch. If you can find all 3 throughout the stage it will give you a Gold Block. Change back to Robin and head over to the right to the next platform. Once there, go back to being Superman and head over to the left-hand side of the batman platform. You will notice a collection of flames there. Use your freezing breath to free the citizen that got trapped there.