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Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Chapter 4 - Escape! - Defeat Rudi Jäger

The Nazis have even more to answer for as William “B.J.” Blazkowicz makes his escape from Castle Wolfenstein. First, he’ll have to steal a cable car, survive the ride over, and then somehow make it across the bridge and back through the military checkpoint. This guide will show you how to survive the Supersoldiers, and teach you how to defeat Part One's boss, Rudi Jäger.

Use your Pipes on the vent in the roof of the elevator to open it up, then crawl out. From here, climb up the wall, and into the corridor above you. There is a guard here, so take him out, then follow the path around to a metal walkway. Take the stairs just ahead of you, ignoring the path to your right. There is another guard to your right. Take him out, then continue moving forward.

Escape in a Cable Car

Now you need to go up. Before you can escape in a cable car, you have to open up the doors to the transit line. Keep moving forward on the walkway, then take the stairs in the far back corner. Once you reach the next level, keep an eye out for any Nazi soldiers patrolling the area, as well as the large Supersoldier who walks around.

Your objective is in the middle office on this level. Take out the Commander near the steps, then move forward to the control booth. There are a set of side stairs here that you can use to get onto the roof of the office. Find a vent that you can open using your Pipes, then drop inside and crouch so that you can’t be seen through the windows. Head for the front of the office and flip the switch to open up the large doors, then continue your objective.

Flip the switch in the control booth to open the gate, then escape using the cable car.

Now that the gate is opening, you can expect to get swarmed with Nazi soldiers. Take them out as best you can, watching out for the Supersoldier in the area. Once the way is clear enough, head for the cable car and flip the lever to start it up.

Restore the Power

After a short ride you'll need to restore the power. Eliminate a few of the soldiers in the car next to you, then look up at the ceiling of your own. Use your Pipes to open up the roof hatch, then take a ride on the zip-line.

Exit the cable car and enter the building on the generator platform. To restore the power you’re going to need to go all the way to the top, so follow the walkway and stairs until you reach the power control room. There is a Heavy Soldier here, so carefully take him down, as well as anyone else who dares block your path. Move into the control room and flip the switch to restore power.

Reach the Bridge

After restoring the power, Nazis will swarm the area and you’ll need to fight your way back to the cable car you were just in. Once you arrive, flip the switch, then continue your journey towards the bridge. Things will go horribly wrong, so get ready to adjust to a new plan..

Find Another Way to the Bridge

Blazkowicz finds himself in many sticky situations, one of which you can see above.

Look around and interact with the door to bust it open. Swim through the tunnel until you reach the surface, then exit into a cave system.

Exit the Caves

There are two Commanders here, so carefully move forward. Two soldiers will walk down the area to your left. Wait for them to get past you, then take them out one at a time.

Sneak forward and climb the wall prior to the area where the Heavy Soldier is walking about. Just make sure the coast is clear before you pull yourself all the way up, then shoot the soldier and Commander that are nearby. You can now move into the tunnel and kill the second Commander, leaving the Heavy Soldier for last. Hit him from whatever angle suits you, but be sure to go for the tanks on his back to score the quick kill. You can now climb the wall to the left of the upper tunnel entrance to move into the next area.

Climb up the wall, then continue moving to find another Commander and open area with patrolling soldiers. Take them out silently if you wish, or go in guns blazing. Just remember that Commanders always call for reinforcements, which means longer fights. Either way you play things, simply follow the path to the top and locate the opening on the left. We weren't successful with our stealth approach, so we ended up facing off with a Supersoldier. We can't say for sure if you'll bump into him if you manage to keep things quiet.

Follow the path around, up the wooden stairway to an elevator. Interact with the switch here to head up to the next level of the cave. At the top, move forward and drop off the platform and into another cave system. Crouch through the opening between the rock and follow it up to end up along the cliff edge below the bridge.

Locate the Village Tavern

Continue moving along the edge of the cliff until you reach the support with a climbable section of wall. Pull out your Pipes and climb up to reach the metal walkways under the bridge. Move carefully to the other side, keeping an eye out for any enemies who might cause problems. Sprint jump at the end of the path, then head into the room beyond and open up the door to find yourself at the cable car loading dock. The path forward is linear, so kill everything that stands in your way and keep pushing forward.

Keep an eye out for walls that you can climb, and hatches that you can pry open with your Pipes.

Use your Pipes on the metal door and drop onto the elevator. Use your Pipes to open the hatch, then drop into the elevator and perform a Takedown on the Nazi soldier inside.

As soon as the elevator doors open you’re going to be faced with a horde of Nazi soldiers. Take them out, then move through the military checkpoint from Chapter One. Take the steps down the hallway to reach the surface, then prepare for another massive gun battle that includes a Supersoldier and the Panzerhund that you had to evade in Chapter Three.

Your main goal here is to get out of the military compound. Stay behind cover, use all the weapons you have, and kill as many Nazis as the game throws at you. Once the area is clear, head for the small room in the middle of the gate. Interact with the window on the right-hand side to have Blazkowicz lean in and open the door using his Pipes.

Now head into the small booth and look up to find an opening. Climb through it, then drop down and continue to take on the Nazi soldiers that swarm you. Eventually you'll have to take on a Supersoldier, which isn't fun, but at least he drops a really cool gun when he dies.

Remember to make use of your Shockhammer and Klampfpistole to take down the Supersoldier. Once he is dead, move far away from the trucks, as a giant Panzerhund is about to come crashing through. Try to scoop up the dead Supersoldiers Heavy Machinegun to make quick work of this nonsense.

The Panzerhund, which is kind of like a dog, is easily one of the most terrifying enemies in the game.

Once the Panzerhund is down, take out the remaining soldiers, then climb up the ladder on the left side of the tunnel. This will allow you to drop down past the trucks blocking the road and proceed forward. You can’t travel through the large gate ahead, so turn left and head down the winding staircase inside. At the bottom you’ll find a wall of crumbling bricks which you can break through. Follow the path to a wall, then climb up into the village. Continue going in the only possible direction until you reach the tavern.

Once inside the tavern, simply follow Annette into the main area, then speak with Kessler. You should take the time now to gather up any ammo and armor you may need. After a few moments of talking to Kessler, a smaller version of the Panzerhund will crash through a window and attack Annette.

Open the Basement Hatch

More Nazis are on the way, and Annette is injured. Head over to the middle of the tavern and locate the hatch beside a group of barrels. The indicator should pop up on your screen when you look in the right direction. Once the hatch is open, wait for Kessler to bring Annette over. When you’ve regained control of Blazkowicz, pull out your weapons and start murdering the Nazi troops as they attack. When you're done, head for Kessler and Annette, which will trigger the chapter's final boss fight.

He has a look in his eyes that tells you things just aren't going his way.

Rui Jäger Boss Fight

The trick to beating Jäger is to use your Shockhammer to shoot the blue electric knobs on each of his shoulders. Do this a few times to cause them to overload and stun Rudi, bringing him to his knees. When this happens, run up and perform a Takedown to tear off a piece of his armor.

You must go through this process three times. The third time this happens you’ll tear off his front chest piece. From here on out, focus all of your fire on that exposed area. Continue to shove everything you have in his face until he falls to his knees one final time.

When this happens, run up and perform a Takedown on him to finish him off for good. This will activate a self-destruct sequence, and you’ll need to sprint back to the basement hatch to trigger the chapter ending cut scene.

You can continue directly to Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Part Two - Chapter Five: Wulfburg, or you can return to our main Wolfenstein: The Old Blood walkthrough. It's there you'll find all of the chapters, boss fights and collectibles the game has to offer.