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Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 28 – Research and Development, Part 2

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 28 – Research and Development, Part 2

At the top of the elevator, to the right of it, is a gold box. Heat it up with Superman's Heat Vision to reveal the first half of a suit changer. Use Batman's Power Suit on the adjacent Silver machines to get the rest of it. Also, to the left the elevator is is a Save Station.

With the Suit Changer assembled Batman will gain access to the Electricity Suit. Change into it immediately and head through the green Force Field to your right. Head to just past the Kryptonite to find the socket. Use it to disable the shield and contain the Kryptonite.

Head to the right and stop before the next force field. Use Superman on the Gold Block cover of the socket in the back of the room. Use the charge that Batman is carrying to start the various belts there moving. Go back to the start of this room and change back to the Power Suit. Now head to where you started the conveyor belts and use the Power Suit on the Silver Blocks that are inhibiting your progress. This will reveal a port you will want to fire a second bomb into. Do this to blast the trigger to spot up the second round of Kryptonite radiation.

With it disabled, head over to the right. Just beyond where the force field reached you will find a Gold Brick Wall. Use Superman's Heat vision to cut through it then Batman's Grapple Gun to trigger the lever within. On this side you will now find at least 2 of Luthor's henchmen who come at Batman and Superman with Kryptonite. 2 more will also come when the elevator arrives. Only when all of them have been dealt with could you move into the elevator and upwards into the tower.

At the top of the elevator, you are mobbed by Bots and a few henchmen with Kyptonite. Have Batman tear through them then it is time to start dealing with the puzzle presented. The security camera is active and blocking your way forward. First, just to the right of where you came up in the elevator you will find some Gold Bricks to fry off with Superman's heat vision. Behind it is a Suit Changer for Batman: his Sensor Suit.

Have Batman get into the Sensor Suit and cloak. Head to the wheel switch in the middle of the room. This will activate the conveyor belt in the sealed off part of the room. It will also expose a floor switch to the right. Go to the right and step on it. This will power up and fire a disassembling ray at the bike in the back of the room and take out part of the wall back there. Once the vehicle has been blasted apart, henchmen will come and attack you. You need to repeat this 3 times, until the Disco Robot appears. Blast him to stop the music (though it is a take on the Batman theme) and unleash 3 more Bots on your team. Defeat them then head through the glass they broke through. In the very back of the room you will find a fan that will push you up to the next level of the tower.

On this floor, head to the right. You will see a Lex Corp switch to break: do so. Now look to the right, you will see a massive vent of Kyptonite radiation there. Around it spin a number of Gold Brick cylinders. Now use Superman's heat vision on them to take them out. This is easiest to do in the bottom right, as close to the radiation as you can get. Now fly over to the right, over the radiation vent. There is one final cylinder to fry. After that, drop to the floor. Destroy the Lex Corp insignia between the 2 vents then fly up to the top of the second. There you will find a Gold Handle to pull on. Do so to and then blast the exposed Gold Bricks to shut down the second flow of Radiation.