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Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 30 – Down to Earth

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 30 – Down to Earth

Robot Takedown
Boy do they love their aerial battles here. Fly up as Superman and turn around. It is very hard to miss a big purple and green robot hovering in the sky. Just fly right toward it to move the story forward. It is important to note that throughout the fight barrels will be released to the sides of the Robot. Shoot them down to get the Collectible pieces.

Joker Robot
Things start simple enough with 3 Helicopters firing missiles at you. No real big change from what you have encountered in the past thus far. It is after that has happened that you need to do something different.

After the Helicopters are down, change over to Batman and start shooting at the silver pieces on the bottom of its feet. Blast them off then the piece below it. There are 3 pieces on each foot that need to be shot off. Once you get those down, switch back to Superman and use his Heat Vision on the Gold Blocks that are underneath. After you destroy the first though, instead of being able to just move onto the second you need to tackle a wave of 4 helicopters. The second time to get through to the foot, you will need to tackle a wave of 5 helicopters.

With the feet dealt with it is time to move on. The next target would the missiles coming off the robot. Just keep blasting those down until the cutscene runs. After that, it is onto dealing with the Robot itself.

On the Joker Robot
Head over to the left leg as Batman. You can jump as there is a massive updraft underneath the robot that will keep you aloft. On the left leg a Helicopter will come in and start shooting at you. Use the grappling hook to crash it into the leg but be sure that Batman is closer to the knee than the hips of it to avoid getting killing. Now, as Superman, put out the fire that is ignited from the crash and assemble the suit changer: The Power Suit.

With the Power Suit start up the back of the Robot. Look on the left side of its back and you will notice the shiny silver flaps. Bomb them. Beneath is revealed some Gold Plating. Time to use Superman's Heat Vision and blast those away as well. This will reveal the first of 2 gold bars you need to pull apart to move forward. Once you get the first one pulled a robot will attack. Now, repeat this for the right-hand side. Just keep Batman moving while Superman destroys the Gold Brick paneling. It will not be too long before the stage is over after that.