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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 20 – Spidey to the Rescue, Part 2

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 20 – Spidey to the Rescue, Part 2

Head out of the room and over to the left again. This time there are 2 Turrets you need to destroy on the way over to the next room. Once you get the second on, drop down and immediately get onto the ceiling of the room. There are 3 Combat Sentries and 2 guards patrolling below. It is much easier to handle them with Stealth Take-downs than open combat. Once they are all done, drop to the floor and head over to the front right of the room. In the corner you will find an Oscorp Security Manual that you can add to your collection.

Now make your way up to the balcony above you, preferably the ceiling above it. Once again, you are best off using a Stealth Take-down on the fellow below you: the usual Heavy with Mini-gun. Now you want to look along the wall opposite you. You will notice an open ventilation shaft. Web-Rush into it and start crawling through the shaft. Inside it you will find 1 magazine to add to your collection. It will lead into the fourth, and hopefully, final chamber (according to Spider-Man). Get on the ceiling and perform a Stealth Take-down on the Heavy that patrols this balcony. Once he is down, before you destroy the fourth generator, head over to the left of it. On the floor you will find the second piece of Audio evidence for the level. Now take out the generator to shut down the contamination lock.

Now, you have a choice. You can either head back out the same way you got in, through the vents or slip below and deal with the guards that are watching below. You can easily get Stealth Take-downs on the 2 by the back elevator doors but the others are far more likely to start a fight. Either way you will then need to head into the large cargo elevator in front of you.

Once inside the elevator, another sensor will be tripped by Spider-Man. This means the floor will be electrified and you only have your health to get to all 4 of the generators around the elevator and destroy them. It is not as hard as it seems. Use the Web-retreat as soon as you destroy one of the generators and wait for it to stop sparking. Once it has halted then you are good to dive at the next generator. Just repeat this until the 4 generators are destroyed. Once they are, a section of the wall will explode and open a path forward for you. Be sure to explore around the center of the elevator too to find a collectible magazine before you jump into the exposed shaft.

When you land, head over to the right-hand corner behind you. There you will find another magazine. Now head over to the left and through the one open door in this L-shaped hallway. Go through the door and immediately take to the ceiling. There is a Heavy moving in front of you. It is better to just wait a minute and move forward slowly. You will notice a pair of guards to the right that are talking. Wait for the Heavy to be out of sight then get them both in a Stealth Take-down. Now, wait above for the Heavy to come back toward you. Get him in a Take-down though it has a good chance of drawing the attention of some of the other guards. After that, there are just 3 more guards. One at the corner and 2 in front of another door leading forwards.

Inside the elevator, look to the left. You will notice some schematics for a Mechanical Arm. Snap a photo of them to get at least one of the 3 photos for this level. Now, head through to the large room in front of you and drop down. Spider-Man will encounter a locked door and then 5 Oscorp soldiers in Riot Gear will come at and attack you. Just start using the Leap-Attack and it will not be long before they are all fall down.