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Diablo III- Skills Article LXIII: The Demon Hunter, Theorycraft Three: Boom, Baby!

Rockets are fun.  That is all.

Primary Skill: Grenades- Cluster Grenades OR Bola Shot- Bitter Pill
Secondary Skill: Rapid Fire- Fire Support
Defensive Skill: Shadow Power- Night Bane
Hunting Skill: Preparation- Punishment
Devices Skill: Sentry- Spitfire Turret
Archery Skill: Cluster Arrow- Shooting Stars OR Strafe- Rocket Storm
Passive Skills: Grenadier OR Night Stalker, Ballistics, Vengeance

The entire point of this build is to blow things up- especially with rockets, but with other things too.  The basic choice here is simple- you can go with Cluster Grenades and Shooting Stars, and use Grenadier to boost the usability and overall power of that set of moves, or you can use Bitter Pill and Night Stalker to refill your Discipline so you can Punishment more often.  Whichever your choice, you’re going to have a basic function of laying out Spitfire Turrets and using your Primary skill to build up a full Hatred pool, which you then dump into Rapid Fire or your Archery skill.  Whenever you can, you should trigger Night Bane once your pool is full, empty it out, use Punishement to immediately refill it, and eat the rest of the way through Night Bane while spraying arrows and rockets everywhere.  Vengeance is in place to make sure your Hatred pool is as big as possible- your Secondary and Archery skills eat through Hatred like nobody’s business, which is good- the more Hatred you burn, the more rockets you launch.

Because Strafe and the rockets are all auto-aimed for you, there’s a lot of fire-and-forget here, so it’s very forgiving of poor clicking aim.  It’s possible to run without Night Bane or Punishment, but both of those skills make your inevitable Hatred-dumps all the sweeter.  The hard decision- other than between the Grenadier setup and the Night Stalker setup- is whether you want to dual-wield hand crossbows so you can build up your Hatred pool faster with your Primary shot, or if you want to wield a single stronger bow so your rockets are that much more powerful.  While the rockets -are- the main point of the build, they’re generally less powerful than the main shots of Rapid Fire, Cluster Arrow, and Strafe- so make sure you try both ways before deciding- both are valid ways of dishing out more damage, after all.

The main weakness here is that if you empty out your Hatred pool and your Discipline is too low to hit Punishment, you’re pretty much stuck with just your Primary skill and no tricks until you recharge- it’s just not worth it to empty out a partial Hatred pool.  You also are going to lack defenses, but then, everything should be dying anyways.  Just keep on your toes.