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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 40 – Train Docking Station, Part 1

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 40 – Train Docking Station, Part 1

Head forward and use your Web-Shooters to stop the fan in front of you for safe passage through. Head on through it and then just after that you need to get into the Metro Trains in front of you and get them out of your way. Get up on the ceiling and start crawling toward the train. Take the first left and head into the next room.

In this room you will notice a number of Infected are lingering about on the floor. There are a good 5 Infected here. You can manage a few Stealth Take-downs at best before having to fight the rest. With them beat, head over to the right. Look to the left and you will notice a console that you can interact with. Do so rotate the train and get it out of your path back in the other room. Go ahead and get back in there. Look just in front of where the train is now. You will notice a little platform among all the acidic slime on the floor. Land on it and interact with the train to pull it forward and clear the way.

Get on the ceiling and head to where the train was. There is now an opening in the fence in front of you. Head on through it and turn to the right. You have a good 5 more Infected that need to be taken down in a full on brawl.

After the Infected, head around the next corner to the left. In the following room you will want to look to the left and take a perch on the lower section of fencing. From there, head on up to the ceiling well above you. There are 6 Infected in this area Spider-Man has to deal with. The good news is that you can pull off a Stealth Take-down or two to make things easier. After that, just pummel away on the Infected.

It is also important to note that you can find the first photograph of this area to the left of the door you need to head through. There is a shredded Oscorp Hazmat suit there. Snap a photo of it and head onwards. In this corridor, look to the right. You will notice 2 generators close to the door at the opposite end. Interact with them to start the power flowing and open the door in front of you.

The next room is a turning station. Thankfully there are no puzzles in it. Just know that in the station itself there are 4 Infected that need to be dealt with and in the adjoining room you will encounter 2 more Infected. They will join the fray just after it starts.

With them dealt with head into the one open door that is in front of you. Just Web-Rush to the top of the wall in front of you, just before the train. Drop down on the other side and head for the opposite end of the room, so you are behind the train. From here, interact with the train to pull it forward. Head back to where the train was. You can now get at the fan behind it. Web that up and safely cross over. On the other side you must once again use your webbing to link the generators to create a complete current.

With the power flowing head back to the Turning Station to your left. Once there turn to the right and head through the door in front of you. Immediately head up to the ceiling above you. There are a number of Infected below who will not be happy to see Spider-Man. There are a good 5 to be dealt with here. You can either just engage them or take them down using Stealth. Once they are down, head to the wheel that is just after the end of the acidic slime. Interact with it to open the way in front of you.