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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 36 - Ozammar Sidequests, Part 2 – Dust Town

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 36 – Ozammar Sidequests, Part 2 – Dust Town

The Cute Nug
While not a true side quest it is something fun to do. If Leliana has at least 75+ approval, talk to her inside Ozammar and she will tell you that she find the Nugs adorable. Take some time to find the Idle Dwarf in Dust Town to get a Cute Nug. He is found along the eastern edge of the inside around of Dust Town. Talk with him and tell him that you want a Nug for your friend. You can offer him 20 silver of tell him that you will accept his offer when he brings it here or that you will pay what you want to. Once things have been set in motion the Idle Dwarf will run off into the deeps to find a Nug. He will appear after you exit and reenter Dust Town. The Nug itself is a big one. Now, you can pay 20 silver, 40 silver, try to chase off the Dwarf or ask what he would like for him. This lets you the Nug for the cheapest, 20 silver, 10 silver or 5 silver. Take your pick of what you would like to do for this Nug. Leliana will appreciate it greatly.

Precious Metals
Talk with Rogek who is only a little ways into Dust Town. He is looking for someone with connections to the Surface. Agree to hear him out and he will tell you that he is looking for someone to “buy” the Lyrium from him and bring it to his contact on the surface who will sell it to the Magi. He asks for 50 Gold to do this, but you can talk him down to 40 or less with Persuade or intimidation. After that, it is a simple trip over to the Circle Tower to strike a deal and get a return order.

At the tower head up to the second floor. Godwin is in the Northeastern room. Approach and talk with him and tell him that Rogek, the dwarf, sent him. Using Persuasion you can get either 60 or 75 Gold, but it is a hard sell. You can press him for details as well and potentially shut him down. Your call there.

If you let Godwin and Rogek stay in business, head back to Dust Town and talk with Rogek. He will offer up 10 of the promised 20 Gold. You can call him on it, accept it or press him for 30 (this is tricky)

Zerlinda's Woe
Talk with Zerlinda in her little corner of Dust Town. She has been disowned by her family and can only regain that status if she abandons her babe to the Deep Roads. Here you can either persuade her to do just that or say you will talk with her Father to take her back in. She tells you that he is likely in the Tapster's Tavern (which is a conveniently short distance from the entrance of the Merchant Quarter from Dust Town).

Ordel is along the left-hand side, just before the stairs inside the tavern. Talk with him and take the persuasion option that Zerlinda will die if he does not take her back. From there, most of the options will get Ordel to take Zerlinda back in. Head back to Zerlinda after that. Tell her the good news.