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Diablo III- Skills Article CXIV: Witch Doctor, Voodoo Skills- Gargantuan

Gargantuan (147 Mana, Cooldown 60 seconds): Summon a towering behemoth of a zombie that has defenses that scale based on your level.  It attacks for 25% weapon damage as Physical damage, at your attack rate.

The Gargantuan, like the Zombie Dogs, is a summon skill that becomes useless at higher difficulties.  Unlike the Zombie Dogs, it remains viable through Nightmare mode, becoming a waste of resources only in Hell and Inferno acts.  That said, it’s otherwise a respectable summon.  Tougher and mightier than the Zombie Dogs, it does a better job of being distracting as well as a better job of surviving, and can actually be expected to kill things on its own now and again.  Should the skill be fixed, it will likely prove itself invaluable.

Humongoid (147 Mana, Cooldown 60 seconds): Summon a towering behemoth of a zombie that has defenses that scale based on your level.  It attacks for 25% weapon damage as Physical damage, at your attack rate.  It also has the Cleave skill, though it deals 33% of your weapon damage with each hit, unlike the Barbarian.

Humongoid is a modest but useful improvement on the Gargantuan, becoming much more useful for taking out large numbers of regular foes.  While the rune is hardly ideal, it at least comes in fairly quickly, and you’re likely to default to it a lot.

Restless Giant (147 Mana, Cooldown 60 seconds): Summon a towering behemoth of a zombie that has defenses that scale based on your level.  It attacks for 25% weapon damage as Physical damage, at your attack rate.  If the Restless Giant encounters a champion, rare, or boss enemy or five or more regular enemies, it will become enraged for 15 seconds, increasing its move speed by 20%, attack speed by 35%, and attack damage by 200% of their normal values.  This effect can occur only once every 120 seconds.

Restless Giant is likely to be one of the two runes used for the Gargantuan in boss fights and high-difficulty modes, should the Gargantuan itself ever become truly viable.  While the limitation on how often the zombie can rage is rather stifling, the duration of the rage is nice and long, and the improvements are devastatingly strong.  Expect a Restless Giant to kill things frequently while enraged.

Wrathful Protector (147 Mana, Cooldown 60 seconds): Summon a towering behemoth of a zombie that has defenses that scale based on your level and lasts for 15 seconds.  It attacks for 55% weapon damage as Fire damage with a chance of inflicting knockback, at your attack rate.

The Wrathful Protector is a strange rune choice for the Gargantuan- since the main point of a pet skill like Gargantuan is that the thing lingers until it gets killed or you turn it off, reducing it to a 1/4 of the time ally in exchange for having it deal slightly more than twice the normal damage (and in the most resisted damage type to boot) is really not a very good trade.  Wrathful Protector can be useful if you just need an occasional distraction and damage surge, but generally speaking you’d rather have a big bad body around to tank for you.  Of course, the Protector retains the weaknesses of the Gargantuan skill, so it’s still not usable anyway- it’s just even more not really usable.

Big Stinker (147 Mana, Cooldown 60 seconds): Summon a towering behemoth of a zombie that has defenses that scale based on your level.  It attacks for 25% weapon damage as Physical damage, at your attack rate, and has a melee-range aura that deals 15% weapon damage as Poison damage every second.

This is likely to be the rune of choice for non-boss and non-elite combat with Gargantuan whenever it becomes a truly usable pet.  The cleave effect of Humongoid is nice, but the total damage to targets it attacks is going to be higher than with Humongoid, and the aura damage isn’t dependent on hitting- and can strike enemies that the zombie doesn’t even swing at.  Potentially a very useful rune, so keep an eye on this one.

Bruiser (147 Mana, Cooldown 60 seconds):
Summon a towering behemoth of a zombie that has defenses that scale based on your level.  It attacks for 25% weapon damage as Physical damage, at your attack rate.  Every so often, it will Slam an enemy, dealing 100% of your weapon damage as Physical damage and Stunning what it hits for 3 seconds.

This sits in competition with Restless Giant for the rune that will become most useful for boss fights with this skill when the skill itself becomes viable.  While the Restless Giant effect will tack on a nice burst or three of damage (depending on the length of the boss fight), Bruiser promises to regularly incapacitate any boss it fights- and everyone knows that hitting a boss with a Stun effect is a wonderful, wonderful thing.  The added damage on the Slam attack is just the frosting on the cake at that point.