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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 40 – A Prince's Favor, Part 2

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 40 – A Prince's Favor, Part 2

A Prince's Favor: The First Task
Head straight forward to get started here. Take the first right into the side corridor. After a while you will come into a small mass of Genlocks. There are a good 5 of them plus a Commander. Defeat them, loot the bodies and head over to the East as well to find a Fractured Stone. Inside the stone you will find some goods. Turn West after that encounter.

In the next large room more Genlocks will attack you. There are 9 total in this battle. Lay into any clusters and take them down quickly. They might not be the strongest things around but they can be lethal given the chance. After the fight, head over to the 2 pillars. There you will find a locked chest that requires 3 Picking to open. Inside is a Steel Darkspawn Greatsword. Head over to the small path to the west to find a Bloody Sack with a Bag of Limbs inside it. Claim the limbs to being the side quest, “Asunder”. Go over to the East now and explore down that path as it turns South. When you get to the first big room room here you will find a good a mix group. There are 5 Genlocks and 4 Hurlocks that are waiting here for your group. Head to the Southeastern corner to find an easy locked chest. Head around the stones from the Southeastern corner to the part they join the wall to find another Fractured Stone. Head to the next juncture that is south of the large room.

At this juncture your party is attacked by 8 Deep Stalkers. Lay into them with a vengeance. Head to the South after the fight to claim the treasures under the Fractured Stone. Go East first to reach the next juncture of paths. There are another 8 Deep Stalkers that need to be killed. Head over to the East Alcove there to find another Fractured Stone with goods in it. Head to the South from there to find another Fractured Stone to your immediate left after the tunnel ends and a few chests around the room. As you move toward the chest there are a lot of Deep Stalkers that come at you. One of them is a leader so hardier. Beat them, loot the 2 chests and head over to the West. Time to get back on track.

A Prince's Favor: The First Task
Head to the West from the side area and follow the path to the South. There are another 8 Deep Stalkers waiting for you as you come around the final bend going from the South to the West. There is another Fractured Stone in the Eastern corner between the rocks. Just head to the West now to enter into the next part of the Aeducan Thaig.

As you emerge into the next into the next large room you have another 7 Deep Stalkers come running at the party. Defeat all of them then head into the large room in front of you. Turn South to find a Locked Chest that requires 3 Lockpicking to open. Grab its contents and turn to the North. Go across the bridge to find your destination in front of you.

You will find the Lord Dace under heavy assault by a number of Deep Stalkers. There are about 10 in this round of fighting. Once they all go down a second wave of Deep Stalkers will appear. Another 10 in for the kill. They remain the same as the others so it could be a quick fight. That will end the fighting for now. Head over to the Lord Dace and talk with him. Talk and persuade him for a favor to get a discount with the one Surface Dwarf merchant. You must choose between that option and getting Lady Dace not to vote for Harrowmont. He will ask you if you would like travel back with him. There are still a few things to collect here. There are 2 chests to the South of where Lord Dace was. The one to the west is harder to unlock, requiring 3 Ranks. The one to the West is easier. At the foot of the bridge you crossed you will find a wooden crate with a Ash Darkspawn Longbow in it. Heading to the North from there you will find a Fractured Stone in the Northwestern corner of the room. Turn to the East from there and start heading up. There are 5 more Deep Stalkers just waiting for you. There is another potential 1 Deep Stalker over in the corner.

Head to the North to move on. None too far from the start you will encounter 6 more Genlocks. Just off to the left of where you encountered them you will find another Fractured Stone with some loot underneath it. With that just head for the exit of the Aeducan Thaig and head to Orzammar and the Diamond District. Head into the Chamber of Assembly there and speak with Vartag. He will offer to take you to see Prince Bhelen to start the next part of the quest.