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Darksiders 2 – The Harbinger Tree, Unstoppable

Darksiders 2 – The Harbinger Tree, Unstoppable

Unstoppable: Death unleashes his true strength for a short while.
Cost: 300 Wrath, Duration: 8 Seconds
Prerequisites – lvl. 8
Level 1: Increase Strength by 30
Level 2: Increase Strength by 40
Level 3: Increase Strength by 50

Inevitability: While Unstoppable is active, Death has an increased chance of Critical Hits
Prerequisites – lvl. 12, Unstoppable
Level 1: +10% Chance of Critical Hits
Level 2: +15% Chance of Critical Hits
Level 3: +20% Chance of Critical Hits

Empowerment: Death's Critical Strikes deal more damage
Prerequisites – lvl. 12, Unstoppable, Inevitability
Level 1: Increases Critical Hit Damage by 20%
Level 2: Increases Critical Hit Damage by 30%
Level 3: Increases Crittcal Hit Damage by 40%

Killing Blow: Each of Death's blow can hit twice.
Prerequisites – lvl. 16, Unstoppable, Inevitability
Level 1: Chance of Second Hit: 5%
Level 2: Chance of Second Hit: 10%
Level 3: Chance of Second Hit: 15%

Call of the Grave: Death unleashes his truth strength longer.
Prerequisites – lvl. 16, Unstoppable, Inevitability, Empowerment
Level 1: Increases duration by 3 seconds
Level 2: Increases duration by 4 seconds
Level 3: Increases duration by 5 seconds