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Darksiders 2 – The Necromancer Tree, Aegis Guard Skills

Darksiders 2 – The Necromancer Tree, Aegis Guard Skills

Aegis Guard: Death summons a Necromantic shield. It sharply increases his defenses and resistances. It will last for 8 seconds.
Cost: 300 Wrath
Prerequisites – lvl. 5
Level 1: Defense +321 , Resistances +321
Level 2: Defense +642 , Resistances +642
Level 3: Defense +963 , Resistances +963

Grave Defense: Death's Arcane skills are enhanced while Aegis Guard is active.
Prerequisites – lvl. 8, Aegis Guard
Level 1: +20 Arcane
Level 2: +25 Arcane
Level 3: +30 Arcane

Reflect: A portion of the damage directed at Death is reflected by at his foes.
Prerequisites – lvl. 8, Aegis Guard
Level 1: Reflects 10% of damage done
Level 2: Reflects 15% of damage done
Level 3: Reflects 20% of damage done

Grounding: While Aegis Guard is active, lightning lances off Death and hits nearby foes
Prerequisites – lvl. 12, grave Defense, Aegis Guard
Level 1: Lightning Strikes every .5 – 1 second, hitting 1 foe for 176 lightning damage
Level 2: Lightning Strikes every .5 – 1 second, hitting 2 foes for 268 lightning damage
Level 3: Lightning Strikes every .5 – 1 second, hitting 3 foes for 321 lightning damage

Enraged Guardian: Death's Arcane Critical Hit Chance increases while Aegis Guard is active.
Prerequisites – lvl. 12, Aegis Guard, Reflect
Level 1: Arcane Critical Hit Chance +10%
Level 2: Arcane Critical Hit Chance +15%
Level 3: Arcane Critical Hit Chance +20%

Death Guard: Aegis Guard takes less Wrath to summon and lasts longer.
Prerequisites – lvl. 16, Aegis Guard, Enraged Guardian, Grave Defense, Reflect
Level 1: Wrath Cost reduced by 10% (270 default), +3 Second duration
Level 2: Wrath Cost reduced by 15% (255 default),
Level 3: Wrath Cost reduced by 20% (240 default)