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Diablo III- Skills Article CLXI: The Wizard, Theorycraft Three- Secret of Power

Primary Skill: Magic Missile (Seeker)
Secondary Skill: Arcane Torrent (Disruption)
Defensive Skill: Slow Time (Perpetuity)
Force Skill: Wave of Force (Exploding Wave)
Conjuration Skill: Familiar (Cannoneer)
Mastery Skill: Archon (Improved Archon)
Passive Skills: Temporal Flux, Evocation, Critical Mass

While it seems to center entirely around the use of Arcane damage, there are also a couple of sub-themes that can be found in this skillset.  For instance, while Seeker, Disruption, and Cannoneer all do Arcane damage (and Disruption increases the Arcane damage dealt to anything you hit with it, a wonderful side-effect), they also all focus on getting the Wizard to pump out more attacks and more hits.  That means that the Wizard is more likely to score a critical hit, and thus the use of Critical Mass.  Critical Mass itself goes along with Evocation and the three cooldown skills in the build: Slow Time, Wave of Force, and Archon.  That in turn keeps Slow Time active a bit more than half the time, and combining its slowing effect with Temporal Flux does wonderful things to keep enemies from ever reaching you- and if they do, Wave of Force sets them back on their heels without disrupting the Slowing effect, instead adding another of its own.

The runes go even further- tacking Cannoneer onto the Familiar means it hits multiple targets, the cascading effect of Exploding Wave ensures that the more enemies there are around you the more they get punished for crowding, Seeker makes it a virtual certainty that Magic Missile will hit -something-, and Disruption enhances the damage of everything you do aside from Wave of Force.

The cap on this is Improved Archon- using it just after hitting something with Disruption ensures a positively huge damage swing, and Temporal Flux makes things even worse for your enemies, who now have to contend with you being tougher and more powerful while still keeping them mired with your offense.  Additionally, while you’re in Archon form the effect of Critical Mass can refresh your PBAoE (that’s Player Broadcast Area of Effect, referring to a skill with a radius that’s centered on the player at all times) attack more quickly.