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Diablo III- Skills Article CLXXII: Barbarian Elective Build Six- So Angry....

Mouse Skills:
Cleave (Reaping Swing)
Revenge (Vengeance is Mine) or Frenzy (Vanguard)
Hotbar Skills:
Weapon Throw (Dread Bomb)
Ground Stomp (Wrenching Smash) or Battle Rage (Into the Fray)
Overpower (Momentum)
Wrath of the Berserker (Thrive on Chaos)
Passive Skills:
Nerves of Steel

This form of the Ragestream Barbarian takes advantage of Elective Mode to put together as much Fury generation as possible.  Whether it’s by putting Revenge (Vengeance is Mine) with Overpower (Momentum) to have frequent (but not constant) large surges of Fury, or by stacking Cleave’s massive Fury generation via Reaping Swing with Frenzy’s attack speed boost for a constant high rate of Fury gain, the effect is the same- a huge wad of Fury being made every second.  This, naturally, serves as excellent fodder for Wrath of the Berserker (Thrive on Chaos), keeping the effect active for quite a long time. 

The particular interplay of skills gets interesting here- players using Revenge and Overpower together will want to have Wrenching Smash on hand- it’s 30 Fury generation and it brings lots of things into range for the two PBAoE attacks, increasing the viability of that surge of Fury.  Those who instead use Cleave with Frenzy to have a more constant level of Fury generation can swap Ground Stomp for Battle Rage with the Into the Fray rune- this takes advantage of the higher attack rate to bleed in extra Fury on every critical hit, which should happen decently often- not nearly as often as Critstomper, but anything to increase the duration of Wrath of the Berserker.

Weapon Throw (Dread Bomb) remains an amazing Fury sink, emptying your pool and dealing terrifying amounts of damage in a large area at range.  This also lets you empty out your Fury pool so you can keep a monitor on how quickly you generate more, and since it’s a single click rather than a protracted attack like Whirlwind, it barely interrupts your Fury building.

Animosity and Unforgiving are obvious choices here for their ability to give you and let you generate -even more Fury- to throw into Dread Bomb or power Thrive on Chaos.  The last choice of passive here is in the air.  Revenge/Ground Stomp Barbarians will want Nerves of Steel so they can survive being in close proximity with loads of enemies more easily.  Frenzy/Battle Rage Barbarians have the decision between Inspiring Presence to increase the duration of Battle Rage’s crit-fury, or Superstition to cut back on injury from the ranged enemies that will take potshots as they dash around pulverizing things.