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Sleeping Dogs Walkthrough: Mini Bus Racket

Activate your next story mission and drive to the waypoint. on your map. When you arrive at the restaurant, Winston will congratulate you on the heist that you pulled off with Jackie. He will tell you that you have the right attitude for progressing the gang's turf. He will give you a new mission that involves taking some territory back from Dog Eyes' bus drivers. Seems like there's a sort of war going on over, get this, the bus routes in the city. Dog Eyes and Winston both have competing bus drivers going all over the city funneling money back to their operations. Dog Eyes has taken over a bus route from you and your gang, and you have to take them back.

Hop into a bus of your own and speed it off down the road towards your waypoint. Drop off a group of thugs from your bus and they will take care of the enemies at the bus stop for you. Speed off in the bus and head over to your next waypoint. This time you will have to get out of the bus and get your hands dirty yourself. Tackle the Brawler to the ground and give him a few good hits to keep him down for a while. Use the shutter to the back of the area to take out one of the enemies with ease. Note that you can use the two phone booths to the left of the shutter to take guys out with ease, too. If you are having too much trouble, you can even fling the bad guys out in front of traffic, or use a shutter to the far left of the area to take an extra guy out. You can even slam the bad guy's heads in car doors if any stop in traffic.

When the enemies are dead, hop back into your bus and drive it to the next waypoint, which will be a little farther away. You will have to get out and do some more combat at this stop. When you do so, though, you will see an enemy bus go flying by and your gang will order you back into the bus to stop the enemy bus from delivering its passengers. This entails chasing after the bus and clicking in the right stick to honk the horn repeatedly until the meter on the left side of the screen fills up. You can also fill the meter by ramming the bus. Once the meter is full, the bus will stop and Wei will pull up next to it to steal the passengers.

Now that you have the passengers on your bus, you will have to take them to their respective stops. Just be sure to elude the cops in pursuit first. With the weight and the girth of the bus, you will have no possibility of fleeing the cops. Instead, use the heft of the bus to smash the cop cars off of the roads with complete ease. You will most likely only have to deal with two or three cop cars, unless you make a habit of running down dozens of pedestrians on your typical bus route. After you have escaped from the cops, you can feel free to get away and deliver the passengers to their destinations. To do so, simply follow the route marked out for you on your HUD's minimap. A short cutscene will play when you let the passengers off. You will have completed your mission, and you will gain some extra triad experience. It shouldn't be enough to level you up just yet, but it's a start. Jackie will text you after you drop off the passengers, and so will Inspector Teng. Accept their texts and drive the bus off.