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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 34 – Heart of the Mountain, Part 6

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 34 – Heart of the Mountain, Part 6

On top of the wall, throw the lever once you have dealt with the pair of Savage Prowlers that are there waiting for you. With the lever thrown more water will power into the area, flooding it more but it will also start up a water wheel that begins a number of things. Cauldrons start moving in the adjacent area and start up the rock crusher nearby.

With all that activated head over to the Southwest. Get over to the corner and drop down to the ledge below. Cross over to the next platform to the West. Beat down the pair of Savage Prowlers that are lurking around. Be sure to also claim the nearby chest then continue over to the West. After that, smash up every vase and barrel. Once you do another chest will appear on this platform for Death to climb. Now head to the West and climb up the Massive Wall again.

Dive down into the water below then head opposite the massive Water Wheel. Just to the to the West of you will find a wall post that Death can use to climb up out of the water and get up to the main level of the plaza. Start to the South and West from there. Stand facing to the West where you can see the massive Corruption Crystals and the cauldrons going by. Wait for one to pass by and grab a Shadow Bomb from the bottom of one. Throw it at the Crystals to blast them away and let you collect the chest behind it to claim a Skeleton Key with a throw from Karn.

Head over to the Southern door and use the Skeleton Key to get on through. Things take a small dip for the worse when you encounter the Earth Crag in the next room. But with Karn's backing this is a much easier fight than it would be otherwise. Explore the room, smashing the boxes and vases, and you will notice a Ball Socket. The problem is that Golem will not fit through the door. Head back to the Golem and roll it over to the Rock Crusher. It should be empty, having demonstrated its power previously. If not then just a little East of the Crusher you will find the lever that will let you do just that. Head over to the lever and pull it to smash the Golem just leaving the Orb that it was rolling around on. Roll that into the Southern room. Roll it into the Socket in the Southeastern section which will lower the gate in front of you. Wall Jump upwards to the Hand holds above and move along them to the right.

At the end of the hand holds, drop down and head to the East and North. From there, head to the East to smash a number of crates for gilt. After that just go to the North and use the Death Grip to reach the second Heart Stone and knock it loose. Time to start to the North. The problem is the question of the guardians of the Heart Stone itself. As you enter the passage going North you are attacked by a pair of Nightmare Prowlers. They are the toughest variety of Prowler yet and they have the annoying possibility to freeze Death. Another Nightmare Prowlers will attack the second turn in the tunnel. Head North after that into the bridge room.

At this point get to the North end of the room and then turn to the West jumping into the water. Scale the middle of the Western Wall. Climb up the hand holds and go to the left. Turn South and head through the pipe when the hand holds end. Deal with the few Noxious Stingers that are in the next room then head to the Eastern pipe to claim the Boatman's coin that was out of reach earlier. Head to the Southern Wall after that and climb up it to reach the pillar. Head to the right to the second pillar then Wall Run to reach the far side of the room. Turn to the North from there and head through the pipe to reach the Pressure Plate that lets Karn through to the Plaza. Turn to the South then go to the West to get back to the Plaza and join Karn to get the second Heart Stone in place.