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Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron Walkthrough Part 16: Cut And Run Part 3

After dealing with the room full of vicious shotgunners, head down to the central floor and pull the switch in the middle of the room. This will open up a doorway ahead. Chances are you need ammo and or health after the vicious battle you just went through, so be sure to scavenge the room around you for guns, ammo, and Energon Cubes. When you're all ready to proceed, head through the doorway and towards your waypoint marker.

You will find another Energon Cube to your right, but most pressingly, you will also find snipers across from you and foot soldiers to your lower left. Use your vantage point to blast the exploding barrels next to the enemies on your lower left, using them to clear out the majority of the foot soldiers on the ground before picking off the sniper and any remaining enemies over there. Then, loot the crates to your left for some cash before zipping off to the above right platform with your grappling hook. Pull down the wall with your grappling hook, and then grapple up to the left. Use the Armory Reactors if you want or need more weapons, and then pick up the blueprint from the center of the room when the electric current dies down. Loot the chests in the back of the room for cash before pulling the switch to the left and opening up the path ahead. You will find, of course, more snipers in this wide open room. Pick them off from the walls opposite you. A few bad guys will also lay down some fire on your buddy Cliffjumper on the lower level. Take care of the snipers buzzing around before you focus your attentions on the enemies battling Cliffjumper. A sniper rifle is handily situated to your right if you need it, and ammo is to the left.

With the battle over, target the pipes overhead and pull them down with your grappling hook. This will cause acid to spew from the ceiling. Jump and boost across to the platform where Cliffjumper is waiting for you. Follow him down the large hall ahead as the tower blasts its signal out into space. Look up at the massive door ahead and grapple it to open a way for Cliffjumper. You won't be able to follow him, though, so instead look to the right and grapple the weak wall to pull it over. Head into the room on the right to find plenty of Armory Reactors and an odd switch. Pull the switch and it will turn into a little dancing robot. Stick around for the end of his dance and you will be handsomely rewarded with a top secret room overflowing with cash and CLUTCH attack drone consumables, along with a Chaos Rift Combuster alternate weapon. Collect it all and leave the room, heading to the left in the hall outside until you reach a strange laboratory. Pick up the blueprint for the Gear Shredder from the table on the far side of the room, and then pull the switch on the console looking into Cliffjumper's room.

Now leave the room through the door that opened up in the back. If you activate the consoles on your way to the next room you will get some more information on the Decepticons and their search for a new planet to inhabit. Use the Teletraan 1 store as you leave. When you arrive in the next area, you will see Starscream speaking with Soundwave. Cliffjumper will try to get the jump on Soundwave, but it won't work. This will lead you into your next big battle.