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Minecraft- Advanced Crafting Two: Enchanting (Part Six: The Bow)

With only four available enchantments and an absolute maximum of eight levels of enchantments total, the bow is the most reliable enchantable out there.  That said, it’s probably the least efficient in terms of applying enchantments to it, since it loses durability hit or miss, and requires that you have arrows alongside it- and doesn’t have a more durable form like the other tools and armor you can enchant.  At least the enchantments are very strong.  Power is especially desirable, enabling a bow to oneshot the vast majority of enemies in the game and adding to the range of the bow to make it indispensable for use in the End.

As an additional note, Flame will set things on fire even if they teleport away, making it useful for setting Endermen on fire.  Mind, since Endermen can’t go into water (it damages them like fire does), the Enderman in question will probably start attacking you right away, but you hopefully prepared for that.

Power (Max level IV): The bow will deal extra damage- 50% more at level 1, and an additional 25% over that for each further level, to a maximum of 225% damage. (Note- this is enough damage to kill most things with a single fully charged hit, as it will deal as much as eleven hearts of damage.)

Punch (Max level II): Knockback by any other name.... this increases the distance a mob flies back when hit with your arrows.  A higher level is a stronger knockback effect.

Flame (Only one level): When the arrow hits a creature or monster, it will set the target on fire.  If used on a pig, chicken, or cow and the creature dies because of the fire and not the initial arrow, cooked meat will drop instead of raw meat.

Infinity (Only one level): This bow does not consume arrows.  As long as you have one arrow, you can fire the bow- it will create its own arrows.  You cannot, however, pick up these arrows, even if you didn’t hit your target.  ((WARNING: Digging out blocks under arrows or that have arrows stuck in them is a good way to catch an arrow in your skull.  This is painful, and you should avoid it.)) This enchantment does not prevent the bow from wearing out, it only stops you from needing to supply the bow with actual arrows and therefore saves you inventory space.