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Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron Walkthrough Part 25: The Final Countdown Part 2

When you round the corner, you will find that the Autobot are spreading rumors about your resurrection. They are speaking with Optimus Prime via a holographic communicator. Megatron will, as always, make an extravagant entrance, blasting the hologram away in rage. Expect the Autobots to retaliate for that one. Two will rush in from directly ahead. Blast both of them with your Riot Cannon, head upstairs, and blast the third enemy to the right. Head outside, grab the health on the ledge if you need it, and activate your hover ability. You can use this ability to hover all the way over towards the elevated platform marked by your waypoint.

From up here, the enemies down below should be easy pickings. You can blast them to pieces with ease using your Riot Cannon, and if there are any you can't reach you can always drop down to their level, where health restoring Energon cubes and precious ammo await in plenty. Enemies will likely be down here as well, though, so you will want to transform into the tank form for the added protection it bestows. Wipe out the enemies on this level and then head into the building on the opposite side of the battlefield from your waypoint. You will find a Teletraan 1 store here, which you can use to restock. Outside of the door and behind the column to the right you will find currency and ammo. Up on the platform above you will find an A-4 Pulsar Cannon and health and ammo. Head up the bridge after grabbing them all and blast the enemies waiting for you above.

It's best to stay in your tank form for the majority of this chaotic battle. Enemeis will be attacking you from above, below, and right in your face. The tank's powerful yet slow blaster will be able to take out all of these enemies with ease, as long as you can strafe well enough to avoid the brunt of their attacks. When you reach the broken end of the bridge, use either your hover ability or a jump and an air dash to reach the other end. Drop down into the tunnel below, but be wary of the electrified wires. If you touch them, you'll soon die. Proceed to the end of the tunnel and drop down to the lower level. Here you will find a long walkway marked with several cover points every couple of feet.

There are green scanners moving up and down in the middle of the path, and turrets towards the end of the path will lay down a pretty heavy stream of covering fire, keeping you all but trapped behind cover. If you're slick enough, you can actually take out the turret on the far right before you drop down to the lower level. Otherwise, use the large columns spewing out the lasers as cover while you blast the turrets to pieces. Refill your ammo in the back left-hand corner, and then emerge to challenge the foot soldiers. The will be hiding behind cover points on the right and left sides of the walkway. Blast them and hover over the lasers. Proceed to the door on the opposite side of the walkway and hove over it. Pull the switch on the other side to open up the path ahead.

Proceed into the heart of the base. Although a door will open up letting you drop down to the lower level, a group of enemies will be waiting for you down there. Instead of jumping down right away, wait up top and pick the enemies off as they come into your line of sight. With them gone, drop down and mop up any remaining enemies. At this point, one of the massive Autobot Titan enemies will enter the battlefield through the far side door. Use the columns for cover and blast the Titan repeatedly. If you dfind that you are losing a lot, try taking him on in tank form. When the drones shield him, focus on them just as you have before.

Take the elevator down to the lower level. Smash up the crates in the corner to the right, and then use the Teletraan 1 store. Buy what you need, exit the store, and head up the hall to the right. Rocket enemies will be waiting for you at the far end of the hall, but they are mere flies to the power of your Riot Cannon. Wipe them off of the face of Cybertron and proceed into the next room. Head through the hole in the wall to the right and follow the hall as it loops around on itself to find several stores of currency crates. Smash them up and then follow your waypoint into the next room. Keep following your waypoint, all the way towards the opposite end of the room. You will encounter sparse resistance along the way, but nothing you can't easily handle with one blast of the Riot Cannon. When you finally reach the far end of the room, an open doorway to your right, across from the objective, will leave you open to attack from bad guys with rocket launchers.

Use the doorway for cover, and then, when the cast is clear, peek around and return fire. Try to aim for the explosives scattered about the balcony across from you, as their splash damage should be enough to take out most of the enemeis. If you need health, there is an Energon Cube just down the ramp the you came up from. Now head into the next room. Several objectives will light up with a red glow in the next room. You will have to destroy these objects before you can proceed. Wach out for enemies both above and below as you make your way into the room and target the objectives. If necessary, use your hover ability to get a better vantage point on the situation. When the enemies have all been cleared out, blast up the objectives to proceed.

A waypoint marker will light up overhead. Hover up to the higher floor and head towards your new waypoint.