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Pokemon Conquest- Conquest Two: Brush Fire (5/8)

Once you’re confident enough of your victory, it’s time to head off to Greenleaf- by marching on it.  As with Ignis, you select your target fortress first, then choose to Battle.  Go ahead and send your entire force- you cannot be attacked before they return, if you lose the battle, and if you win then you get an enemy out of the way, and more territory for yourself.

Now that your troops are on the way, you get a look into Greenleaf itself.  Immediately, you encounter Motonari, who recognizes you as Aurora’s new warlord.  He expresses surprise at your young age, and makes uncertain noises about how he’s getting old (funny, he doesn’t look it at all).  Motoharu, his lieutenant, objects to the Warlord’s assessment, and Takakage pipes in some enthusiasm as well.  Thoughtful, Motonari presently accepts the battle.

Battle: Conquer Greenleaf!  (15 turns)
Victory: Claim all banners on the field.
Defeat: All allies are defeated, enemy claims all banners on the field, or time runs out.

Motonari (Warlord): Power 69, Wisdom 90, Charisma 86, Capacity 7, Specialty: Grass, Skill: Brotherhood (+Def self and adjacent allies, lasts 3 turns), Item: Emerald Grace (for 3 turns total before being used up, holder recovers HP when ending their turn on grass).
Snivy, 20/90%, HP 40, Range 4, Attack 20, Defense 24, Speed 27, Attack: Vine Whip +1, Ability: Overgrow (+Att at low HP)

Motoharu: Power 92, Wisdom 71, Charisma 80, Capacity 7, Specialty: Dragon/Grass, Skill: Mighty Blow (++Attack)
Pansage, 18/54%, HP 38, Range 3, Attack 20, Defense 19, Speed 24, Attack: Vine Whip, Ability: Melee (deals light damage to adjacent foes when they are struck in combat).

Takakage: Power 69, Wisdom 90, Charisma 84, Capacity 7, Specialty: Grass, Skill: Adrenaline (+Att for 3 turns)
Sewaddle, 18/70%, HP 38, Range 3, Attack 18, Defense 27, Speed 18, Attack: Bug Bite, Ability: Grass Cloak (+Def on Grass tiles)

Takamoto: Power 71, Wisdom 72, Charisma 82, Capacity 6, Specialty: Grass, Skill: Brotherhood (+Def self and adjacent allies, lasts 3 turns)
Sewaddle, 16/70%, HP 34, Range 3, Attack 16, Defense 24, Speed 16, Attack: Bug Bite, Ability: Stealth (Chance to evade attacks while on favorite terrain- grass for Sewaddle)