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Pokemon Conquest, Conquest Five: I Hope I’m Not Bugging You (1/7)

As you move on to the next month after your capture of Violight, the game shifts to just that city- where Oichi has just made a startling discovery: you’ve just run into Keiji again!  The leonine man exclaims his surprise to run into you again so soon, then suggests that you look into finding new partners for your Warriors.  Oichi is confused by this, pointing out that you and she already have partners, but he dismisses that, saying he’s talking about adding new partners to your Warriors- not replacing the ones you already have.  He suggests that you look into it, as it will improve the overall strength of your army.

You are then set free in the world map- but it is strongly recommended that you not immediately move on to Chrysalia.  Instead, you need to start looking at your Warriors more closely and picking up new partners for them.  I say start, because it’s unlikely you have access to all of the wild Pokemon you would need to gain a ‘perfect Link’ for every Warrior you have.

While a maximum Link of 100 is something to seek for each Warrior in a partner, these Pokemon are far from the only valuable ones you can match your Warriors up with.  In fact, you will want to find extra partners for yourself and Oichi despite that each of you has a partner with a 100% Link maximum already.  This is because you will be engaged in fights where a Warrior’s most powerful partner may not be suited at all- a Warrior who is paired with a 100% Ampharos may be useless in a battle where nearly all your opponents have Ground typing, and so you will want to have another high-power option for that warrior if you intend to use them as part of your most active army.

A good rule of thumb is to have one partner with each Warrior who has the best possible Link maximum, and one partner of a completely different typing who has a good (70-90) maximum Link percentage.  For example, you will find that you and Oichi can both find wild pokemon of multiple types with gold-medal indicators, showing that their maximum Link with that Warrior is in the 90's- you will probably find such a Link possible with a Mareep.  This provides you with an excellent alternative to Eevee- while Eevee’s Celebrate is an amazing ability and it is decently strong, it is terribly suited to dealing with Fighting pokemon and doesn’t have the offense to punch through things like Pineco.  Mareep and Flaafy, however, are excellent in the early game, bearing strong offenses and pontentially the Interference ability that drops enemy Accuracy, alongside stronger defenses than your Eevee has.  This makes them a very good alternative in Pugilis, for instance.