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Pokemon Conquest, Conquest Six: Test Your Might (2/4)

As soon as you’re all prepared, it’s time to march off to Pugilis and complete this trio of areas.  Oichi, of course, gives her usual warning- this time against the overuse of Normal Pokemon- and laments that you have no Psychic or Flying types to use here (even if you have Ruffelet, Chingling, or a Staravia).

With the one evolved Pokemon and an overall power of 873, Yoshihiro’s army promises to be difficult to overcome- but not outright insurmountable, especially if you have an army that is either well-protected or offensively well-suited to handling this mass of muscle (and a plantmonkey).

On your arrival, Yoshihiro greets you enthusiastically by name.  He claims that the local Warlords are weak and there would be no challenge in overcoming them.  He’s aware of something going on in the North, but that’s far off enough that he’s not expecting to see much, if anything, out of it.  Apparently he looks forwards to the fight as an opportunity to have fun.

Battle: Conquer Pugilis! (30 Turns)
Victory: Hold all the banners for 5 turns.
Defeat: Enemy holds all banners for 5 turns, or all allies are defeated.

Yoshihiro (Warlord): Pow 90, Wis 63, Cha 62, Cap 6, Specialty: Fighting, Skill: Mighty Blow (++Att)
Gurdurr (37/100%), HP 119, Rng 3, Att 93, Def 61, Spd 40, Move: Wake-up Slap +1, Ability: Thrust (Attacks push enemies one square if they hit) Item: Potion

Tadamoto: Pow 78, Wis 56, Cha 60, Cap 5, Specialty: Fighting, Skill: Fortify (+Def for 3 turns)
Timburr (35/70%), HP 96, Rng 3, Att 63, Def 38, Spd 31, Move: Low Kick +1, Ability: Thrust (Attacks push enemies one square if they hit)

Tadatsune: Pow 73, Wis 56, Cha 70, Cap 5, Specialty: Fighting, Skill: Top Speed (++Rng)
Pansage (35/42%), HP 85, Rng 3, Att 48, Def 44, Spd 56, Move: Vine Whip +1, Ability: Melee (Damages adjacent enemies when they are hit)

Takahisa: Pow 66, Wis 87, Cha 85, Cap 7, Specialty: Fighting, Skill: Impact (Attacks may cause Flinch for 3 turns)
Machop (33/70%), HP 82, Rng 3, Att 56, Def 32, Spd 27, Move: Karate Chop +1, Ability: Guts (+Att when under a status ailment)

Kanemori: Pow 33, Wis 55, Cha 57, Cap 3, Specialty: Fighting, Skill: Brotherhood (+Def Pokemon and adjacent allies for 3 turns)
Timburr (33/70%), HP 81, Rng 3, Att 53, Def 32, Spd 26, Move: Low Kick +1, Ability: Thrust (Attacks push enemies one square if they hit)