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Torchlight 2 Walkthrough Part 24: Into The Dark

This mission will usher you right into the final battle against the Alchemist. Be prepared for a tough fight, and head towards your waypoint marker.

You will need to make your way down to the fourth floor of the mines to face off against the Alchemist. The first three floors are naturally not exactly a cakewalk to make it through. The areas will be filled with nasty Dwarven tech, including those nasty turrets from before. That doesn't mean there's no trick to this dungeon just like all of the others, though. Almost every type of enemies in this area will use fire attacks against you, so equip gear that gives you flame resistance if possible. Use the Flame Ember in your armor and trinkets to give you flame resistance boosts, and absolutely seek some out if for whatever reason you don't have any to slot into your items.

The levels will also include a fair amount of traps, including steam vents,Mimics disguised as chests, many Champion ranked enemies, and the occasional treasure to reward you for your patience. Be sure to seek out the treasure chests in these areas, as they'll be some of the last loot you will get your hands on, and thus some of the last loot that you will be able to put to use against the game's final bosses.

As you make your way through the mines, don't hesitate to use a Portal Scroll or two to head back up to the surface and get your wits about you. This can absolutely be the difference between life and death.

Upon reaching the fourth floor, you will have to navigate a series of teleporters to get to valves to shut off steam. Each valve you turn will open up a segment of a bridge that will eventually lead you to battle with the Alchemist. We wish we could give more advice on which teleporters to use, but this too is seemingly randomized.

When you reach the last teleporter, you will finally come into contact with the Alchemist. Load up on Super Health and Super Mana potions before beginning the battle proper.

This will be a three stage fight. Every time you end one phase and begin another, take the brief lull as a chance to increase your elemental buffs. The first stage of the fight will have you destroying floating flame shards that are summoned by the Alchemist. When all of the shards are gone, dash into close range and pump Health and Mana potions into yourself as you swing away furiously at the boss. The second stage of the fight will see you battling the Alchemist on a vented platofmr that spews flame from beneath you on an interval. The Alchemist will add in a new move of his own here, a heat beam that shoots straight out of him and does heavy damage. Try to keep to the sides of the enemy to avoid it. Never directly charge the Alchemist in this seciton of the fight, especially not when he's firing the beam. You can't move forward as long as you're being hit by hte beam. Deal enough damage to the Alchemist, and you will move into the final segment of the fight. This one is very similar to the second phase. At this point, it's down to spamming potions as you relentlessly attack. Use all of your most powerful moves, and never take a finger off of the potion buttons.

Once the Alchemist is done for, pop a Portal and head back to town to recover and stock up before your final battle. This isn't necessary, but if you want to have a smooth fight to the end, it's practically a necessity.