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Torchlight 2 Walkthrough Part 25: The Heart Of The World

This is it; your last mission in Torchlight 2. You've bested the Alchemist, and hopefully by now you've popped a Portal and restocked in town. All that's left to do is to delve into the heart of the world itself and face the greatest evil that lies lurking there. No biggie.

Descend to the final three floors of the Mines and seek out the Clockwork Core. You'll face off against Netherlings and Tentacles on your way down. Don't rush and don't panic, and you should be fine. Simply watch out for Turrents, which will pop up now and again and can overwhelm you if you're not careful. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Follow your waypoint to the Netherlord boss battle. This battle is split into two stages. The first stage of the fight will pelt you with hard Ice attacks, so try to equip Ice-resistant stuff before the encounter if you can. Otherwise, use elemental defenses and summon allies if you can. Equip your pet with the best fish and tag possible, too. Now it's just a matter of swinging away at the boss and avoiding his icy breath attacks until the second stage of the fight begins.

The Netherlord will grow during this second stage, and his health bar will fill again. He will take to using a physical sword attack now, one that deals a ton of damage to boot. Despite the power of this new form, the battle is actually quite simple. Just chug Health and Mana potions to ensure that you don't die or run our of juice for your spells, and attack without mercy. This isn't a battle of wits; instead, it's a battle won by what you have equipped, how you have specced your character, and what you stuck on your pet.

With this victory, you have officially beaten Torchlight 2. Congratulations!