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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 8 – R-01: Coup De'tat (The Hotel to Plaza)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 8 – R-01: Coup De'tat (The Hotel to Plaza)

Head into the hotel and go to the right. From there head over to the opening leading into the back room to the left of the white double doors. Here Raiden will find VR Terminal 3. Collect it then head back to the entryway. Go straight forward from the doors and look behind the crates. Here Raiden will find a 3D Photo frame. After that Raiden needs to head on up the stairs. At the top head to the left to find an Item Box with a Holo-Chip (M) inside. After that head on out through the one door on this level. This leads to a cutscene that will put Raiden in the plaza to move on forward.

Once inside the Plaza, after the cutscene move forward. It will not be long before Raiden encounters 2 more Cyborgs. Take them out in whatever fashion suits you. Just be careful. There is one that is patroling in this area and you want to approach and sever its left-hand for ID Chip 2. Mark him and quickly sever that limb to ensure you get the information inside it. After that deal with the 2 remaining Cyborgs in the area. Now Raiden can enter into a Ranked Battle or skip it. To maximize his score for the level it is recommended to engage in the battle. Drop down and head to the left of the ferris wheel to begin the fight. While it is possible to Ninja Kill the Cyborg, this will negate the battle.

Ranked Battle 7: 2 Cyborg & Gekko Pairs.
The battle starts with one Cyborg and a Gekko. Deal with the cyborg by blowing him up with a Rocket Launcher or just close in and engage him. This will draw everything into one place. It makes for a bigger fight but it does speed the process up some. Deal with the Cyborgs and Gekkos as they come at Raiden, using Parrying to control the flow. Try to provoke one of the Gekkos into a rush to get a quick kill on it then repeat that with the other one. Use Ninja Run and plenty of good swordplay and it will be nothing at all to get through this fight.

Head toward the Waypoint Marker. Boris will contact Raiden and tell him there he intercepted a Codec Call. He informs Raiden that there are reinforcements he can engage if he desires. It is recommended.

Ranked Fight 8: 2 Hammerheads
Once again, it is good to have Homing Rockets. Target the first Helicopter that is hovering closer to the ferris wheel and hit it with a rocket. This will stun it so have Raiden rush in and start destroying it. Be sure you are on the far side of it, between it the Ferris Wheel to prevent its cohort from firing on Raiden.

Once things are over with, there is now another ID Chip to collect before really pressing forward. Head over to the edge of the building to the left of where you just head the fight. It has a small enclave in the end closest to the arena. Keep on the same side but head to the far end of the building and hug against it. Remember this location and head toward the waypoint marker, skriting the entrance to the alleyway. There are a few cyborgs that will appear and start a patrol and one that will stay in place. Take a little time after that to explore the building. Inside the Northern end of it Raiden can find a Holo-Chip (M) for his collection. After that just head to the Waypoint Marker and interact with the shutter to move forward in the level.