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Pokemon Conquest, Conquest Seven (Illusio): So You Think You Can Win (10/10)

Once you’ve redistributed the Warriors you gained in the taking of Illusio, Shingen gets your attention.  He mentions that it looks like war with Nobunaga for control of the entire Ransei area is inevitable at this rate.  Kenshin joins in, pointing out that the fights will only get harder from here- but Oichi interrupts to say that first it’s time to eat- and she’s prepared snacks for everybody.  Shingen agrees to a celebration, prompting another semi-cutscene.  It immediately becomes more clear why Shingen and Kenshin are often at odds- Kenshin and his Rhyperior are enjoying the celebration with raucous zest, while Kenshin is simply quietly sitting beside his Gallade and partaking in the meal.  In the background, curiously enough, are the ‘three stooges’ you’ve been running into here and there, also enjoying themselves....

Until Nobunaga appears.  Stepping forth from the shadows and accompanied by an immense black Pokemon, he speaks of humans as only fleeting things before the age that is happening right now.

Oichi, startled, exclaims over the arrival of her brother..... wat.

Nobunaga ignores your startlement, instead asking the gentle Warrior what her desire is.  She explains that she wishes for you to gain in strength and bring a peaceful era to the region of Ransei.  Amused by the idea, Nobunaga openly challenges you to make the attempt.  “Defeat my subordinates, and we shall see.”  He claims, and tells you he will be waiting in Dragnor- then vanishes.

Nervously, Oichi approaches you, and apologizes for not telling you Nobunaga was her brother.  That is, however, how she knows he means what he says, and she’s sure the two of you must stop his grim conquest, lest Ransei be destroyed.  She says she joined you because she can’t let that happen- she knows the decision she made is going to be hard for her to follow through on, but she’s going to help anyways.

The first step, she says, is to start with Avia, Viperia, Cragspur, and Yaksha- without those kingdoms, you cannot progress further towards Dragnor.

Finally, you now reach a save point, ending this portion of your conquest of Ransei.