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Pokemon Conquest, Conquest Seven (Terrera): Dirty Business (6/9)

When you launch your assault, Oichi again reminds you that Shingen uses Ground-type Pokemon.  She also points out that this makes Electric attacks useless against those Pokemon, and that you need to take into account the other types of Pokemon his army contains as well.

On your arrival at Terrera’s gates, Shingen shows up again- and tells you he’s been waiting.  He notices your new look, and based on that he predicts that the battle will be fun.  He looks to his lieutenant, who agrees and declares that if you’re the opponent, he’s going to give the battle his all.  Shingen agrees- and then commences the battle.

Once again you’re facing a banner battle, just as you did in Pugilis.  While this can be accomplished by knocking out all the opposing Pokemon before they capture all the banners and then grabbing the locations in the following calm, you may find it easier (though less beneficial for your Link ratings) to instead swipe all the capture points and not worry about a complete overrun of the Warriors facing you in combat.  This becomes considerably less true with type advantage, but considerably more true the more Bug, Fire, or Flying pokemon you have (especially Flying, who tend to have huge movement ranges).

The terrain this time is a desert, though there are several small oases of one square each littered around.  More notably, there are several large towers jutting up out of the sand.  These are what Shingen points out as the battle commences.  He asks if you’re surprised by the structures, then tells you that the one in the middle is the tallest building in Ransei.  According to Shingen, it’s difficult for even Flying-types to reach the top of the tower.  He welcomes you to try to climb the thing if you like, but tells you that he’s not responsible for whatever happens when you make the attempt.

Fortunately for you (and also for him) there is no need to climb the towers- while each of them does have a banner atop it, they also all have lift panels at their bases that raise a Pokemon that ends its turn on the panel to the tower’s top.  Each tower also has a matching lift panel on the top that will lower Pokemon to the ground level.  Both forms of lift will return to where they started immediately, leaving the Pokemon at the far end- so where Pokemon come down from the towers is different from where they rise to the top of said towers.  There are also several palm trees around the tower bases, but those are less significant.

Starting out in the bottom corner of the map, you’re at a slight disadvantage here- Shingen’s forces are just a touch closer to the center tower than yours.  This means that you’re going to be inclined to choose one of the side towers to go and protect immediately, as it seems difficult to prevent him taking the central tower.