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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 11 – R-01: Coup D'etat (Minstral Fight)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 11 – R-01: Coup D'etat (Minstral Fight)

The fight is broken into 3 phases. The first is the simplest. This is the time to get the 25 kills and the 30-hit combo. You can get those without too much trouble thanks to an endless stream of Tripods that will be moving into the arena. Still, focus on Mistral and get somewhat familiar with the attacks she uses. Most can be parried and a single Parry Counter will immediately cut her health to 75%. With enough damage you can use Blade Mode to sever her Pole-Arm weapon. This leaves her very vulnerable and is highly recommended to get that counter in as soon as possible. Once you have, be on the watch for her to make a break away to a vantage point. Once here she will rebuild her Pole-Arm and then resume her assault on Raiden. Once again, use Zandatsu to cut through it and press things onto the next round of combat.

The second phase begins with a scripted event where Raiden is grabbed by Minstral. Once she does this, use Blade Mode to slice through the weak point in the whip. It appears with the typical Zandatsu Prompt. If successful, Raiden will avoid damage, if not, he takes some. When this part starts the fight switches to a more 2D mode as the fight is on a pipe. Once again, try for a Parry Counter to sever her Pole-Arm. She will be throwing Tripods and add in her Whip Slash and Diving Kick. It is very important to keep close to her and alternate between parrying and attacking. At 40% the battle will move into its final phase. There is another cinematic and Raiden is taken to the next arena.

This final phase offers the best of what she can bring. This brings you back into the full arena. This will bring in both her pole-arm and whip attacks. Go over the final phase attacks to understand what they can do. They are very damaging so watch out for them. The Buried Whip is the biggest concern overall. Be sure to kill off the Tripods as they come at Raiden for quick healing when needed. When you get her down to 10% it is time to execute her.

There is a final Codec call and the closing cinematic and ranking for the mission. By completing this mission you will unlock the Pole-Arm weapon for Raiden. Immediately on completion you will be given the option to customize Raiden, take it to add the Pole-Arm into your inventory.