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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 3 – Post-Human: Infiltrate The Liberty Dome (The Bridge)

Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 3 – Post-Human: Infiltrate The Liberty Dome (The Bridge)

Things are not too pleasant this time around. You need to cross the bridge and get to the far side. There are 9 CELL Guards on it. There is also a Helicopter that can get called in if things look bad for the guards. Stealth is the best option unless a big fire fight with a helicopter and 9 guards sounds good.

Time to start working on cutting through the guards here. Head down to the bridge and you need to get to the upper portion of it. Careful use of cloaking will ensure you make it without being detected. Once there you need to start picking off the guards carefully. Move over to the right from where room you just came out of and pick the guard that is patrolling on the upper walkway with the Predator. Now look for the guard on the lower level to the left. Pick him off as well with the Predator. Now it is onto the trickier shots. There are 2 more guards on the upper level that need to be dealt with. From the same position wait for either to reach the end of their patrol. During this brief pause you will be able to pick them off by zooming in and loosing an arrow from the bow. Getting these 2 guards will make it possible for Prophet to cross along the top with minimal difficulty. Just be sure to visit each corpse to retrieve your arrow!

There are still 5 Guards left on the bridge that you need to deal with in one fashion or another.  Start by going to the top portion of the bridge and looking for the stairs leading to the lower portion on the left-hand side. Wait there and watch for the guard that patrols the area. When they get close, cloak and snipe them with the Predator Bow. Now head down the stairs, retrieve your arrow and start over to the right. There is a covered area only a little ways down in that direction to the right. Duck into it to recharge your energy and wait for the Guard that is patrolling ahead. When that guard gets all the way over to the left, quickly emerge, cloak and take him down. Just 3 CELL guards left now.

Head down the bridge and around the corner to the left. Either take cover to the right behind the barrier there or to the left behind the crate. Now you have a choice. You can either advance and kill the guards from the back or just sneak by them and hack the door open. If you opt to fight the guards the first 2 kills are not too hard. It is the third that is tricky. This is because likely they have noticed you but with a single soldier all you have to do is finish them off before they finish the broadcast.

Either way, hack through the door and get into the hallway beyond it. Go on down the stairs and through to the bioscan chamber. Let it do its work and head through to the other side. Turn to the left and grab the 2 Reflex k-volts that are there. Just continue forward and into the reactor room.