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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 25 – R-04: Hostile Takeover (Corridors)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 25 – R-04: Hostile Takeover (Corridors)

After passing through the doorway into the corridor, Raiden and Dok have a quick conversation. Move forward after that and open the door with the panel on the right. When you do, Ranked Battle 4 will begin.

Ranked Battle 4: 2 Cybrorgs, 1 Armored Cyborg; 2 Cyborgs, 1 Gekko; 6 Sliders, 1 GRAD
Head through the doorway and quickly take down the 2 Cyborgs who immediately attack you. Keep running throughout as there are Sliders outside firing in on you. Keep this up for the Armored Cyborg as well.

After that head for the doorway in the back right and start running through the rooms. In the third room you will find a Cardboard you can grab, but it is 100% optional. After that just Ninja Run down the corridor in front of you until you reach the next room. Break to the right inside there and start up the stairwell. Pause at the Item Box to collect a Repair Nanopaste if you need it but otherwise keep going until you run into more Desperado Cyborgs. Either run by them or kill them and continue down the corridor to the right. Here you will encounter a Gekko. This marks the first checkpoint in the run. Kill it then Ninja Run up the rubble to the next level.

Start running down this corridor. You will encouter a total of 6 Sliders. They will either attack singly or in pairs. Kill them with Zandatsu or beat them up to get a hiogh hit counter. Engage as many as you want but keep running. Climb up the next part of the rubble to start toward the final interior opponent.

At the top of the rubble Raiden will encounter a GRAD UG. Quickly either engage it or make for the window and Ninja Run out onto the Sliders. The choice is your. Be sure to take advantage of the Sai to incapaciate the GRAD so you can get a lot of free hits on it.

When you start the outdoor running portion keep toward the middle of the area and weave around the targeted zones. Even a nick here will send Raiden tumbling to the street below, forcing you to restart the whole sequence. It is annoying but you can get the hang of it shortly. Just remember to keep toward the middle and weave more than outright avoid.